Our Parish Anniversary on January 26th marks the 110th anniversary of our Church consecration.
The consecration candles mounted around the Church will be lit at the Mass on January 26
to honor this solemn occasion.
On January 26, 1908, the Church was consecrated by the Right Reverend Patrick A.
Ludden D.D., Bishop of the Diocese. Soon after, the present marble altar railing, donated by the Altar Society, was added and then the marble and onyx pulpit and a new organ were installed.
The consecration candles mounted around the Church will be lit at the Mass on January 26
to honor this solemn occasion.
On January 26, 1908, the Church was consecrated by the Right Reverend Patrick A.
Ludden D.D., Bishop of the Diocese. Soon after, the present marble altar railing, donated by the Altar Society, was added and then the marble and onyx pulpit and a new organ were installed.
St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church Celebrated it's 175 Anniversary in May 2016.
St Joseph's Church
St Joseph's Church is older than any Diocese in the state except for New York City, under whose Bishop, Most Rev. John DuBoise, 1826 to 1842, the Church was organized. In the early nineteenth century Catholics of German origin were found in and around Utica, New York and they wished for a Church and a Priest of their own.
They had to content themselves with missionaries and itinerants. Rev. Michael Gorman held Mass in the Academy in Utica on January 10, 1819. March 13, 1819 the Rev. Farnan celebrated Mass and on March 24, 1819 it was announced that he had been appointed the first established Rector. Father soon had a Gothic Structure erected, capable of seating 300 people. There is no record of what became of this structure. Father Farnan served until 1823, when he was succeeded by -
Rev. Richard Balger 1823 - 1824
Rev. Charles Brennan 1824 - 1825
Rev. John Shanahan 1825 - 1827
Rev. Luke Berry 1827 - 1828
Rev. Hatton Walsh 1828 - 1829
Rev. P.J.M. O'Reilly 1829 - 1830
Rev. Michael Cummins 1830 - 1831
Rev. James McCahill 1831 - 1833
Rev. Walter Quarter 1833 - 1839
Rev. Francis Farrall 1839 - 1840
There are records that indicate the Rev. Lewis Wariath served during 1837 - 1841.
1835 - Bethaus (house of prayer) was established.
1837 - Rev. Lewis Wariath, Pastor 1837 to 1841.
1839 - St. Joseph Society was formed and was one of the first German Aid Societies. There is no record of when this Society ceased to exist.
1840 - Committee of Trustees, John N Lanzer, Joseph Masseth, Johann Paul, Ignattius Meyers, Mathias Fritz, John Oster, Andrew Kleespies, purchased the First Methodist Episcopal Church on Lafayette Street on October 15th for $1,050.00. It was built in 1832. (NOTE: In an Article in "Central-Blatt and Social Justice" magazine dated February 1938, the following appeared on page 349. In a letter written in Utica, dated October 6th, 1843 stating, " the not very strong Parish of Utica bought a Methodist Church three years ago, for 1,050.00"). In the Oneida County Clerk's Office in a ‘Book of Deeds', Deed No. 96, page 430, dated October 15th, 1843 shows a figure of $1,050.00.
1841 - Rev. Francis Guth, Pastor 1841 to 1842.
1842 - First resident Pastor, Rev. Joseph Prost, 1842 to February 4th. 1843.
Incorporated on March 28th. First baptism of the new Parish, April 30th.
1843 - Rev. Joseph Prost abandoned St. Joseph Church on February 4th, five months before Father Adelbert Inama arrived. Rev Adelbert Inama, Pastor June 29th, 1843 to September 14th, 1844.
1844 - Rev. Florin Schwenninger, Pastor September 1844 to October 1849.
1847 - April 23rd, the Diocese of Albany was established. April 5th, Ann Varick conveyed a site eighty feet by one hundred and four feet on St Joseph Street to the Church and was the first record of a cemetery belonging to the Church. In the early days there was a common burial ground for all the Catholics of Utica. 1849 - Diocesan Priests were given charge of the Parish.
On November 25th, a Ladies Society for the maintenance of the Altar was established and is now known as the Altar Rosary Society. Eva Witenberger was one of the founders and Rose Keiser was the first president. Rev. Doctor John Arnold, Pastor 1849 to 1854.
1851 - Parochial school was established in the rear of the Church on Lafayette Street. The first schoolmaster, Prof. John B. Jost (Yost) 1851 to 1855.
1852 - Church on Lafayette Street that was purchased from the Methodists was moved to Whitesboro Street and a new wooden Church was built in its place.
1854 - Rev. John Constantine Weber, Pastor 1854 to 1859.
1855 - Brick schoolhouse was built on Lafayette Street. Later used as a kindergarten and clubhouse. Plot of ground was purchased on St. Joseph Street that doubled the size of the cemetery. Meinrath Haberstock, Schoolmaster 1855 to 1859.
1857 - Gottfried Brand, Schoolmaster 1857 to 1862.
1858 - November 27th, the Parish was placed under the care of the Friars. St Aloysius Young Men's Society was founded on December 15th. The first officers were Lorenz Klein, Michael Schuderer, Primus Stiefvater, William Servatius and Felix Benz.
1859 - March 13th, the Franciscan Friars took formal possession of the Parish. Rev. Leopold Moczygemba was the first Franciscan Pastor March 13, 1859 to June 21, 1859. Rev Dominic Messens, Pastor June 21, 1859 to May 7, 1860. Former Pastor Rev John Constantine Weber died September 28th, in Rome New York. Third Order of St. Francis was established.
1860 - April 10, the Franciscan Sisters took charge of the school, except for teaching the older boys. The Nuns were Sr. M. Bernadine Dorn, Sr. M. Angela Brutsche, Sr. M. Alphonsa Donnelley and Sr. Mary Johanna. Rev Bonaventure Keller, Pastor 1860 to 1861. Former Pastor Rev. Dominic Messens died July 15th, in Syracuse, New York. St Francis Society was founded. There is no record of when this Society ceased to exist.
1861 - April 16th, another tract of land was added to the cemetery on St Joseph Street. Rev. Pius Kotterer, Pastor July 1st, 1861 to January 1862.
1862 - Barbara Koob joined the Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis as Sister Mary Anna. She was later known as Mother Marianne. In 1864 she was elected 'Vacaria' or deputy to the Mother Superior in Syracuse. In 1870 she was installed as administrator of St. Joseph Hospital in Syracuse. Between 1877 and 1883 she served in Syracuse as Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters. October 1883 Mother Marianne and six Sisters departed for Hawaii to work among the lepers. She never again returned to the mainland and died in Hawaii in 1918. Rev. Alphonse Zoeller, Pastor 1862 to 1870. Charles Myer, Schoolmaster 1862 to 1863.
1863 - Anton Reuter, Schoolmaster 1863 to 1868.
1864 - Roman Catholic Society was founded, a sick aid society,
1866 - December 12th, St. Elizabeth Hospital was founded in a tenement house on Columbia Street which belonged to the Franciscan Friars. Sister Bernadine Dorn, one of the Franciscan Sisters who had been teaching school and visiting the sick, requested the use of the tenement house. St. Anthony Society, a sick aid society, was founded.
1868 - Tenement house used as St Elizabeth's Hospital was removed for the erection of a new Church. Hospital moved west to the location of the Bethaus. Franz Zabka, Schoolmaster 1868 to 1870.
1870 - New Church building was started. The first Priest's residence was built against the Church wall of the eastern transept. A new German Parish, St Mary's, was founded in Utica depriving St. Joseph's of many parishioners. Kasimir Falk, Schoolmaster 1870 to 1872. Rev. Bonaventure Keller, Pastor 1870 to 1872.
1871 - May 7th, the cornerstone of the Church was laid by the Right Reverend Theodore Noethen, Vicar General of the Diocese Albany.
1872 - Rev. Alphonse Zoeller, Pastor 1872 to October 1874. Franz Zabka, Schoolmaster 1872 to 1878.
1873 - The present Church was dedicated on November 9th by Bishop Francis McNierney, Coadjutor Bishop of Albany.
1874 - Wooden Church on Lafayette Street built in 1852 was demolished. Rev. Norbert Stoller, Pastor October 1874 to February 1876.
1875 - October 21st, the Aucock property on Champlin Road was purchased for $7000.00 for use as a cemetery.
1876 - Rev. Clemens Luitz, Pastor February 1876 to August 1880. Former Pastor Rev. Oderic Vogt died July 24 in St Joseph Rectory. He was the first Priest buried in the new cemetery, which had been blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Francis McNierney on June 15th.
1877 - Former Pastor Rev. Bonaventure Keller died April 5th, in Utica, New York.
1878 - George Baumer, Schoolmaster 1878 to 1884.
1879 - Rev. Adelbert Inama died October 18th, 1879, in Roxbury, Dane County, Wisconsin at St. Norbert Cemetery, where he is buried.
1880 - Rev. Leonard Reich, Pastor August 1880 to November 1883. Former Pastor Father Francis Guth died in Strassburg, Germany.
1881 - October 2th a German Knights Society was organized which was the beginning of the Knights of St John, Commandery 41. The first officers were Joseph Nelbach, John Wagner, Joseph Helten, Franz Schuderer and Henry Servatius. Former Pastor Rev. Alphonse Zoller died May 13th, in Hoboken, New Jersey.
1882 - The present Church was completed at a cost of $100,000.00. Three full toned bells were acquired. St Joseph bell weights 3,040 lbs., has a tone of 'E' flat donated by men's society. St Mary bell weights 1,550 lbs, has a tone of 'G', donated by women's society. St Francis bell weights 830 ils, has a tone of 'B' flat donated by Adam Dehs & Mary Weiss. Church is built of Bradford Pressed Brick with Indiana Limestone trim. Two Church Towers and the gilded crosses were added.
1883 - Rev. Alexis Rossbauer, Pastor November 1883 to August 1889.
1884 - Former Pastor Father Norbert Stoller died September 5, Oggersheim, Germany. Ferdinand Buehler, Schoolmaster 1884 to 1911.
1885 - Parochial school was built on Varick Street with room for 500 pupils.
1886 - November 20th the Diocese of Syracuse was formed. First Bishop was Rev. Patrick A. Ludden.
1889 - Wooden Altar was replaced, with much of the cost defrayed by the Altar Rosary Society. New Altar, made of Italian marble and inlaid with Mexican Onyx, is twenty feet wide, twenty-eight feet tall and weighs about sixty tons. Windheim Family was responsible for the "Teaching Christ" statue, which surmonts the Altar. Altar was designed in New York City by the Theis and Jansen firm, and was constructed in Utica by the monument firm of Jenny and Nelbach. Cost complete will be over $6,000.00. Putting it in place was under the direction of Martin Dormer of New York. It stands on a foundation fifteen feet high, in the construction of which 30,000 bricks were used. Stone cross was erected in the cemetery. Rev. Clemens Luitz, Pastor August 1889 to October 1892.
1890 - Crypt was built in the cemetery through the generosity of the Young Ladies Sodality. Was later enlarged and remodeled at a cost of $1,500.00.
1891 – St. Clare's Convent was built on Lafayette Street at a cost of $25,000.00. Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association, Branch 68 was founded on April 23rd. Former Pastor Rev. Leopold Moczygemba died February 7th, in Detroit, Michigan. Former Pastor Rev. Pius Kotterer died January 18th, in Schwarzenberg, Germany.
1892 – Rev. Alexis Rossbauer, Pastor October 1892 to March 1899. On Christmas Day the Holy Trinity Church was organized depriving St Joseph Church of many Parishioners.
1899 – Rev. Fidelis Voight, Pastor April 20th, 1899 to November 1899. Rev. Peter Scharoun Pastor, November 16th 1899 to January 23rd, 1905. Former Pastor Rev. Alexis Rossbauer died March 25th in Utica, New York.
1900 - Former Pastor Rev. Fidelis Voight died December 26th in Trenton, New Jersey.
1902 – Rev. Anthony Gehring died July 18th in Syracuse, New York.
1905 - To make room for the present Rectory work began in June to remove the original Rectory built in 1870 against the wall of the eastern transept of the Church. Rev. Francis Lehner Pastor, February 5th, 1905 to October 8th,1912.
1906 - Present Rectory was completed in April at a cost of $25,000.00. Constructed of Bradford Pressed Brick with Indiana Limestone trimmings, and finished in hard wood throughout. Work started on the renovation of the exterior of the Church.
1907 – In May, work started on the renovation of the interior of the Church. Electric lights were installed. Stained glass windows, made by the Tyrolese Art Glass of Innsbruck, Austria, were installed at a cost of $500.00 for each window. Stations of the Cross were acquired, imported from Europe and are plastic art. Each Station cost $105.00. The ten columns were refinished with Sienna Marble. Work was completed on Christmas Eve. Windows numbered front to back: Gospel side, one to five, Epistle side, six to ten. The Donors of the Windows were: One - In memory of Helen Luman by Mary Schlicker 'The Nativity'; Two George & Catherine Goppert and Charles & Regina Ritzel 'Jesus found in the Temple' ; Three Mr & Mrs F.X. Matt 'Jesus Preaching' ; Four In Memory of George & Louise Windheim 'Mary at the feet of Jesus' ; Five Children of St. Joseph School 'Jesus and the Little Children'; Six Young Ladies Sodality 'The Assumption'; Seven F.M.Schuderer & J.B.Witte and wife 'The Ascension'; Eight In memory of Jacob & Monica Spath gift of the Family 'The Resurrection'; Nine Mr & Mrs Albert J. Baechle 'The Agony in Gethsemene'; Ten The Altar Society 'The Last Supper'. The Donors of the Stations were: Mrs Josephine Hamlin Station I; Louis Lehman Station II; Mr & Mrs Mrs J.B. Witte Station III; Carl K. Frey Station IV; Mr & Mrs E.J. Georg Station V; Veronica Frey Station VI; Mrs Peter Linder Station VII; In memory of Mrs Mary Frey Station VIII; Joseph Kammerlohr & Family Station IX; Catherine Perger Station XI; Mary A. Fischer Station XII; In memory of James & Elizabeth Roskopf Station XIII; St Anthony's Society Station XIV.
1908 - Work on the exterior of the Church (started in 1906) and the work on the interior of the Church (started in 1907) had a combined cost of about $30,000.00. January 26th, the Church and Altar were consecrated by the Right Rev. Patrick A.Ludden, Bishop of Syracuse. Through the generosity of the Altar Rosary Society, the marble Altar Railing was installed. Marble and onyx pulpit was donated by Francis X Jenny, Francis Jenny Jr., and J.J. Nelbach. The Holy Name society was organized Easter Sunday, April 19th. The officers were Carl Frey, F.X. Matt I, Louis Spath, Alois Jenny Jr., Leo Firsching, Emil George and John P. Weber. Residence of the organist and choirmaster at Columbia Street and Varick Street was torn down. The St. Anthony's Society founded in 1866 was disbanded. St Aloysius's Young Men Society celebrated their 50th Anniversary on December 15th.
1909 - Cemetery Committee: F.X. Matt, Michael Schuderer, J.J. Nelbach.
1911 - New organ was installed by the Kimbal Organ Company. Last schoolmaster, Professor Ferdinand Buehler, retired. Franciscans Sisters assumed responsibility for all students at St. Joseph's School.
1912 - Charter of St Mary's Ladies Auxiliary, Number 156. Knights of St John was drawn up on November 23th. Valuable property on Varick and Lafayette Streets was acquired. Rev. Daniel Lutz, Pastor October 8th, 1912 to June 1st, 1915. During the Pastorate of Daniel Lutz the Parish debt was retired.
1913 - Former Pastor Rev. Francis Lehner died June 26th in Syracuse, New York.
1914 - Last of the bodies were moved from the old cemetery on St.Joseph Street to the new cemetery on Champlin Road. The Paul Keiser dwelling was purchased on September 5th.
1915 - Rev. Bonaventure Zoller, Pastor June 1st, 1915 to February 22nd, 1923.
1920 - Roman Catholic Society, a sick aid Society founded in 1864,was disbanded.
1922 - Former Pastor Rev. Clemens Luitz died April 17th, in Syracuse, New York.
1923 – Rev. Cornelius Richartz, Pastor February 1923 to September 22nd, 1932. Former Pastor Rev. Peter Scharoun died April 13th in Utica New York.
1924 – In December, St Joseph's Church was rededicated after the renovation of the exterior.
1927 - Parochial school on Varick Street was remodeled at a cost of $50,000.00.
1928 - April work was started on the redecoration of the Church and was completed two weeks before Christmas at a cost $53,000.00. Apse of the Church once adorned by a fresco of the Ascension was redecorated in 1907 with a fresco of Angels with Christ represented as a lamb. The Apse was again redecorated with a reproduction of Raphael's "Disputa". A reproduction of Raphael's "Transfiguration" was on the Gospel side of the Sanctuary, a mural representing St. Joseph as the Patron of the Catholic Church was on the Epistle side. The three paintings alone are valued at $6,000.00.
1929 - Rev. Henry Thameling died January 26th in Raquette Lake, New York.
1932 - Rev. Austin Fox, Pastor September 1932 to August 1935.
1933 - Organ was electrified and a chancel organ was installed.
1935 - Rev. Sylvester Alhaus, Pastor August 1935 to August 1939.
1938 - Former Pastor Rev. Bonaventure Zoller died May 25th in Albany, New York.
1939 – Rev. Romuald Reiter, Pastor August 1939 to 1942
1940 - Public address system was installed in the Church and school auditorium. First Parish Picnic was held and developed into the Annual German Picnic.
1941 - Centennial festivities started on Sunday May 11th with a Pontifical High Mass celebrated by the Very Rev. Vincent Mayer, Minister Provincial of the Minor Conventuals of the Eastern United States and the Very Rev Anthony Hodapp, Minister Provincial of the Central & Western States. Mass was celebrated in the presence of the Right Rev. Walter A. Foery Bishop of Syracuse. Rubber-cushioned kneelers were installed in the pews. Frontage of the Church property is about 250 feet on Columbia Street about 270 feet on Lafayette Street and about 250 feet deep. The Breadth of the Church is 91 feet and is 180 feet long. Former Pastor Rev. Leonard Recich died March 20th, in Renssealar, New York.
St Joseph's Church is older than any Diocese in the state except for New York City, under whose Bishop, Most Rev. John DuBoise, 1826 to 1842, the Church was organized. In the early nineteenth century Catholics of German origin were found in and around Utica, New York and they wished for a Church and a Priest of their own.
They had to content themselves with missionaries and itinerants. Rev. Michael Gorman held Mass in the Academy in Utica on January 10, 1819. March 13, 1819 the Rev. Farnan celebrated Mass and on March 24, 1819 it was announced that he had been appointed the first established Rector. Father soon had a Gothic Structure erected, capable of seating 300 people. There is no record of what became of this structure. Father Farnan served until 1823, when he was succeeded by -
Rev. Richard Balger 1823 - 1824
Rev. Charles Brennan 1824 - 1825
Rev. John Shanahan 1825 - 1827
Rev. Luke Berry 1827 - 1828
Rev. Hatton Walsh 1828 - 1829
Rev. P.J.M. O'Reilly 1829 - 1830
Rev. Michael Cummins 1830 - 1831
Rev. James McCahill 1831 - 1833
Rev. Walter Quarter 1833 - 1839
Rev. Francis Farrall 1839 - 1840
There are records that indicate the Rev. Lewis Wariath served during 1837 - 1841.
1835 - Bethaus (house of prayer) was established.
1837 - Rev. Lewis Wariath, Pastor 1837 to 1841.
1839 - St. Joseph Society was formed and was one of the first German Aid Societies. There is no record of when this Society ceased to exist.
1840 - Committee of Trustees, John N Lanzer, Joseph Masseth, Johann Paul, Ignattius Meyers, Mathias Fritz, John Oster, Andrew Kleespies, purchased the First Methodist Episcopal Church on Lafayette Street on October 15th for $1,050.00. It was built in 1832. (NOTE: In an Article in "Central-Blatt and Social Justice" magazine dated February 1938, the following appeared on page 349. In a letter written in Utica, dated October 6th, 1843 stating, " the not very strong Parish of Utica bought a Methodist Church three years ago, for 1,050.00"). In the Oneida County Clerk's Office in a ‘Book of Deeds', Deed No. 96, page 430, dated October 15th, 1843 shows a figure of $1,050.00.
1841 - Rev. Francis Guth, Pastor 1841 to 1842.
1842 - First resident Pastor, Rev. Joseph Prost, 1842 to February 4th. 1843.
Incorporated on March 28th. First baptism of the new Parish, April 30th.
1843 - Rev. Joseph Prost abandoned St. Joseph Church on February 4th, five months before Father Adelbert Inama arrived. Rev Adelbert Inama, Pastor June 29th, 1843 to September 14th, 1844.
1844 - Rev. Florin Schwenninger, Pastor September 1844 to October 1849.
1847 - April 23rd, the Diocese of Albany was established. April 5th, Ann Varick conveyed a site eighty feet by one hundred and four feet on St Joseph Street to the Church and was the first record of a cemetery belonging to the Church. In the early days there was a common burial ground for all the Catholics of Utica. 1849 - Diocesan Priests were given charge of the Parish.
On November 25th, a Ladies Society for the maintenance of the Altar was established and is now known as the Altar Rosary Society. Eva Witenberger was one of the founders and Rose Keiser was the first president. Rev. Doctor John Arnold, Pastor 1849 to 1854.
1851 - Parochial school was established in the rear of the Church on Lafayette Street. The first schoolmaster, Prof. John B. Jost (Yost) 1851 to 1855.
1852 - Church on Lafayette Street that was purchased from the Methodists was moved to Whitesboro Street and a new wooden Church was built in its place.
1854 - Rev. John Constantine Weber, Pastor 1854 to 1859.
1855 - Brick schoolhouse was built on Lafayette Street. Later used as a kindergarten and clubhouse. Plot of ground was purchased on St. Joseph Street that doubled the size of the cemetery. Meinrath Haberstock, Schoolmaster 1855 to 1859.
1857 - Gottfried Brand, Schoolmaster 1857 to 1862.
1858 - November 27th, the Parish was placed under the care of the Friars. St Aloysius Young Men's Society was founded on December 15th. The first officers were Lorenz Klein, Michael Schuderer, Primus Stiefvater, William Servatius and Felix Benz.
1859 - March 13th, the Franciscan Friars took formal possession of the Parish. Rev. Leopold Moczygemba was the first Franciscan Pastor March 13, 1859 to June 21, 1859. Rev Dominic Messens, Pastor June 21, 1859 to May 7, 1860. Former Pastor Rev John Constantine Weber died September 28th, in Rome New York. Third Order of St. Francis was established.
1860 - April 10, the Franciscan Sisters took charge of the school, except for teaching the older boys. The Nuns were Sr. M. Bernadine Dorn, Sr. M. Angela Brutsche, Sr. M. Alphonsa Donnelley and Sr. Mary Johanna. Rev Bonaventure Keller, Pastor 1860 to 1861. Former Pastor Rev. Dominic Messens died July 15th, in Syracuse, New York. St Francis Society was founded. There is no record of when this Society ceased to exist.
1861 - April 16th, another tract of land was added to the cemetery on St Joseph Street. Rev. Pius Kotterer, Pastor July 1st, 1861 to January 1862.
1862 - Barbara Koob joined the Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis as Sister Mary Anna. She was later known as Mother Marianne. In 1864 she was elected 'Vacaria' or deputy to the Mother Superior in Syracuse. In 1870 she was installed as administrator of St. Joseph Hospital in Syracuse. Between 1877 and 1883 she served in Syracuse as Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters. October 1883 Mother Marianne and six Sisters departed for Hawaii to work among the lepers. She never again returned to the mainland and died in Hawaii in 1918. Rev. Alphonse Zoeller, Pastor 1862 to 1870. Charles Myer, Schoolmaster 1862 to 1863.
1863 - Anton Reuter, Schoolmaster 1863 to 1868.
1864 - Roman Catholic Society was founded, a sick aid society,
1866 - December 12th, St. Elizabeth Hospital was founded in a tenement house on Columbia Street which belonged to the Franciscan Friars. Sister Bernadine Dorn, one of the Franciscan Sisters who had been teaching school and visiting the sick, requested the use of the tenement house. St. Anthony Society, a sick aid society, was founded.
1868 - Tenement house used as St Elizabeth's Hospital was removed for the erection of a new Church. Hospital moved west to the location of the Bethaus. Franz Zabka, Schoolmaster 1868 to 1870.
1870 - New Church building was started. The first Priest's residence was built against the Church wall of the eastern transept. A new German Parish, St Mary's, was founded in Utica depriving St. Joseph's of many parishioners. Kasimir Falk, Schoolmaster 1870 to 1872. Rev. Bonaventure Keller, Pastor 1870 to 1872.
1871 - May 7th, the cornerstone of the Church was laid by the Right Reverend Theodore Noethen, Vicar General of the Diocese Albany.
1872 - Rev. Alphonse Zoeller, Pastor 1872 to October 1874. Franz Zabka, Schoolmaster 1872 to 1878.
1873 - The present Church was dedicated on November 9th by Bishop Francis McNierney, Coadjutor Bishop of Albany.
1874 - Wooden Church on Lafayette Street built in 1852 was demolished. Rev. Norbert Stoller, Pastor October 1874 to February 1876.
1875 - October 21st, the Aucock property on Champlin Road was purchased for $7000.00 for use as a cemetery.
1876 - Rev. Clemens Luitz, Pastor February 1876 to August 1880. Former Pastor Rev. Oderic Vogt died July 24 in St Joseph Rectory. He was the first Priest buried in the new cemetery, which had been blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Francis McNierney on June 15th.
1877 - Former Pastor Rev. Bonaventure Keller died April 5th, in Utica, New York.
1878 - George Baumer, Schoolmaster 1878 to 1884.
1879 - Rev. Adelbert Inama died October 18th, 1879, in Roxbury, Dane County, Wisconsin at St. Norbert Cemetery, where he is buried.
1880 - Rev. Leonard Reich, Pastor August 1880 to November 1883. Former Pastor Father Francis Guth died in Strassburg, Germany.
1881 - October 2th a German Knights Society was organized which was the beginning of the Knights of St John, Commandery 41. The first officers were Joseph Nelbach, John Wagner, Joseph Helten, Franz Schuderer and Henry Servatius. Former Pastor Rev. Alphonse Zoller died May 13th, in Hoboken, New Jersey.
1882 - The present Church was completed at a cost of $100,000.00. Three full toned bells were acquired. St Joseph bell weights 3,040 lbs., has a tone of 'E' flat donated by men's society. St Mary bell weights 1,550 lbs, has a tone of 'G', donated by women's society. St Francis bell weights 830 ils, has a tone of 'B' flat donated by Adam Dehs & Mary Weiss. Church is built of Bradford Pressed Brick with Indiana Limestone trim. Two Church Towers and the gilded crosses were added.
1883 - Rev. Alexis Rossbauer, Pastor November 1883 to August 1889.
1884 - Former Pastor Father Norbert Stoller died September 5, Oggersheim, Germany. Ferdinand Buehler, Schoolmaster 1884 to 1911.
1885 - Parochial school was built on Varick Street with room for 500 pupils.
1886 - November 20th the Diocese of Syracuse was formed. First Bishop was Rev. Patrick A. Ludden.
1889 - Wooden Altar was replaced, with much of the cost defrayed by the Altar Rosary Society. New Altar, made of Italian marble and inlaid with Mexican Onyx, is twenty feet wide, twenty-eight feet tall and weighs about sixty tons. Windheim Family was responsible for the "Teaching Christ" statue, which surmonts the Altar. Altar was designed in New York City by the Theis and Jansen firm, and was constructed in Utica by the monument firm of Jenny and Nelbach. Cost complete will be over $6,000.00. Putting it in place was under the direction of Martin Dormer of New York. It stands on a foundation fifteen feet high, in the construction of which 30,000 bricks were used. Stone cross was erected in the cemetery. Rev. Clemens Luitz, Pastor August 1889 to October 1892.
1890 - Crypt was built in the cemetery through the generosity of the Young Ladies Sodality. Was later enlarged and remodeled at a cost of $1,500.00.
1891 – St. Clare's Convent was built on Lafayette Street at a cost of $25,000.00. Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association, Branch 68 was founded on April 23rd. Former Pastor Rev. Leopold Moczygemba died February 7th, in Detroit, Michigan. Former Pastor Rev. Pius Kotterer died January 18th, in Schwarzenberg, Germany.
1892 – Rev. Alexis Rossbauer, Pastor October 1892 to March 1899. On Christmas Day the Holy Trinity Church was organized depriving St Joseph Church of many Parishioners.
1899 – Rev. Fidelis Voight, Pastor April 20th, 1899 to November 1899. Rev. Peter Scharoun Pastor, November 16th 1899 to January 23rd, 1905. Former Pastor Rev. Alexis Rossbauer died March 25th in Utica, New York.
1900 - Former Pastor Rev. Fidelis Voight died December 26th in Trenton, New Jersey.
1902 – Rev. Anthony Gehring died July 18th in Syracuse, New York.
1905 - To make room for the present Rectory work began in June to remove the original Rectory built in 1870 against the wall of the eastern transept of the Church. Rev. Francis Lehner Pastor, February 5th, 1905 to October 8th,1912.
1906 - Present Rectory was completed in April at a cost of $25,000.00. Constructed of Bradford Pressed Brick with Indiana Limestone trimmings, and finished in hard wood throughout. Work started on the renovation of the exterior of the Church.
1907 – In May, work started on the renovation of the interior of the Church. Electric lights were installed. Stained glass windows, made by the Tyrolese Art Glass of Innsbruck, Austria, were installed at a cost of $500.00 for each window. Stations of the Cross were acquired, imported from Europe and are plastic art. Each Station cost $105.00. The ten columns were refinished with Sienna Marble. Work was completed on Christmas Eve. Windows numbered front to back: Gospel side, one to five, Epistle side, six to ten. The Donors of the Windows were: One - In memory of Helen Luman by Mary Schlicker 'The Nativity'; Two George & Catherine Goppert and Charles & Regina Ritzel 'Jesus found in the Temple' ; Three Mr & Mrs F.X. Matt 'Jesus Preaching' ; Four In Memory of George & Louise Windheim 'Mary at the feet of Jesus' ; Five Children of St. Joseph School 'Jesus and the Little Children'; Six Young Ladies Sodality 'The Assumption'; Seven F.M.Schuderer & J.B.Witte and wife 'The Ascension'; Eight In memory of Jacob & Monica Spath gift of the Family 'The Resurrection'; Nine Mr & Mrs Albert J. Baechle 'The Agony in Gethsemene'; Ten The Altar Society 'The Last Supper'. The Donors of the Stations were: Mrs Josephine Hamlin Station I; Louis Lehman Station II; Mr & Mrs Mrs J.B. Witte Station III; Carl K. Frey Station IV; Mr & Mrs E.J. Georg Station V; Veronica Frey Station VI; Mrs Peter Linder Station VII; In memory of Mrs Mary Frey Station VIII; Joseph Kammerlohr & Family Station IX; Catherine Perger Station XI; Mary A. Fischer Station XII; In memory of James & Elizabeth Roskopf Station XIII; St Anthony's Society Station XIV.
1908 - Work on the exterior of the Church (started in 1906) and the work on the interior of the Church (started in 1907) had a combined cost of about $30,000.00. January 26th, the Church and Altar were consecrated by the Right Rev. Patrick A.Ludden, Bishop of Syracuse. Through the generosity of the Altar Rosary Society, the marble Altar Railing was installed. Marble and onyx pulpit was donated by Francis X Jenny, Francis Jenny Jr., and J.J. Nelbach. The Holy Name society was organized Easter Sunday, April 19th. The officers were Carl Frey, F.X. Matt I, Louis Spath, Alois Jenny Jr., Leo Firsching, Emil George and John P. Weber. Residence of the organist and choirmaster at Columbia Street and Varick Street was torn down. The St. Anthony's Society founded in 1866 was disbanded. St Aloysius's Young Men Society celebrated their 50th Anniversary on December 15th.
1909 - Cemetery Committee: F.X. Matt, Michael Schuderer, J.J. Nelbach.
1911 - New organ was installed by the Kimbal Organ Company. Last schoolmaster, Professor Ferdinand Buehler, retired. Franciscans Sisters assumed responsibility for all students at St. Joseph's School.
1912 - Charter of St Mary's Ladies Auxiliary, Number 156. Knights of St John was drawn up on November 23th. Valuable property on Varick and Lafayette Streets was acquired. Rev. Daniel Lutz, Pastor October 8th, 1912 to June 1st, 1915. During the Pastorate of Daniel Lutz the Parish debt was retired.
1913 - Former Pastor Rev. Francis Lehner died June 26th in Syracuse, New York.
1914 - Last of the bodies were moved from the old cemetery on St.Joseph Street to the new cemetery on Champlin Road. The Paul Keiser dwelling was purchased on September 5th.
1915 - Rev. Bonaventure Zoller, Pastor June 1st, 1915 to February 22nd, 1923.
1920 - Roman Catholic Society, a sick aid Society founded in 1864,was disbanded.
1922 - Former Pastor Rev. Clemens Luitz died April 17th, in Syracuse, New York.
1923 – Rev. Cornelius Richartz, Pastor February 1923 to September 22nd, 1932. Former Pastor Rev. Peter Scharoun died April 13th in Utica New York.
1924 – In December, St Joseph's Church was rededicated after the renovation of the exterior.
1927 - Parochial school on Varick Street was remodeled at a cost of $50,000.00.
1928 - April work was started on the redecoration of the Church and was completed two weeks before Christmas at a cost $53,000.00. Apse of the Church once adorned by a fresco of the Ascension was redecorated in 1907 with a fresco of Angels with Christ represented as a lamb. The Apse was again redecorated with a reproduction of Raphael's "Disputa". A reproduction of Raphael's "Transfiguration" was on the Gospel side of the Sanctuary, a mural representing St. Joseph as the Patron of the Catholic Church was on the Epistle side. The three paintings alone are valued at $6,000.00.
1929 - Rev. Henry Thameling died January 26th in Raquette Lake, New York.
1932 - Rev. Austin Fox, Pastor September 1932 to August 1935.
1933 - Organ was electrified and a chancel organ was installed.
1935 - Rev. Sylvester Alhaus, Pastor August 1935 to August 1939.
1938 - Former Pastor Rev. Bonaventure Zoller died May 25th in Albany, New York.
1939 – Rev. Romuald Reiter, Pastor August 1939 to 1942
1940 - Public address system was installed in the Church and school auditorium. First Parish Picnic was held and developed into the Annual German Picnic.
1941 - Centennial festivities started on Sunday May 11th with a Pontifical High Mass celebrated by the Very Rev. Vincent Mayer, Minister Provincial of the Minor Conventuals of the Eastern United States and the Very Rev Anthony Hodapp, Minister Provincial of the Central & Western States. Mass was celebrated in the presence of the Right Rev. Walter A. Foery Bishop of Syracuse. Rubber-cushioned kneelers were installed in the pews. Frontage of the Church property is about 250 feet on Columbia Street about 270 feet on Lafayette Street and about 250 feet deep. The Breadth of the Church is 91 feet and is 180 feet long. Former Pastor Rev. Leonard Recich died March 20th, in Renssealar, New York.
Above: Centennial Mass Program
Below: Centennial Celebration Menu held at The Hotel Utica.
Below: Centennial Celebration Menu held at The Hotel Utica.
1942 - Cornelius Richartz, Pastor 1942 to 1948.
1943 – On December 12th, St Aloysius Society celebrated their 85th Anniversary.
1944 - Former Pastor, Rev. Austin Fox died September 14, in Hoboken, New Jersey.
1945 - Rev. Boniface Henning died January 24 at the St. Anthony Seminary, Renssalaer on the Hudson.
1946 - Former Pastor, Rev. Sylvester Alhaus died January 5, in Camden, New Jersey. Rev. Maurice F. Imhoff celebrated 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on May 11.
1947 – Rev. Bernard M. Frank celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on December 7. Rev. Cornelius Richartz celebrated his 40th Anniversary of Priesthood in July.
1948 - September, the Mothers Club was formed with Mrs. Marie Trunk as the first President. September 4, the weekly Parish Bulletin was started. Rev. Bernard Frank, Administrator, 1948 to 1951.
1949 - November 29, the Altar Rosary Society celebrated its centennial. A Catholic Youth Organization was established under the direction of Associate Pastor Rev. Arnold Netzer. Altar Rosary Society donated a steel and bronze Tabernacle which was installed in the Main Altar. The Altar Society founded on November 25, 1849, celebrated their 100th Anniversary
1950 - April 25, the first Mass was celebrated in the new Chapel in the Rectory. January, F. X. Matt donated a forty-eight key electric carillon. Renovations were made in the Church and School.
1951 - Rev. Cuthbert Dittmeier, Pastor 1951 to 1957. Rev. Cornelius Richartz celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood.
1952 - Rev. Felician Fehlner died July 7 in Inlet, New York
1953 - Rev. Alban Bartosch celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood.
1955 - Rev. Daniel Lutz celebrated his 60th Anniversary of Priesthood.
1956 - Running water in each room of St. Clare's Convent, a new boiler and a gas heating system were installed. The exterior of the Church was pointed at a cost of $19,000.00.
1957 - Rev. Alexander Sheridan, Pastor, 1957 to 1961. Rev. Cornelius Richartz celebrated his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood in October.
1958 - December, St. Aloysius Young Men's Society marked a century of activity. It ceased to exist during the late 1960's. Holy Name Society celebrated its 50thAnniversary. Modern binaural public address system was installed in the Church.
1959 - March 13 completed a century of service by the Franciscan Conventual Fathers. Rev. Sebastian Weber celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood in July. Third Order of St Francis marked a century of existence in April.
1961 - Rev. Coleman Greevy, Pastor 1961 to 1966. Former Pastor, Rev. Daniel Lutz died March 13 in Trenton, New Jersey. Former Pastor, Cornelius Richartz died March 31 in Utica, New York.
1962 - Entire Church was re-wired for about $8,000.00. Rev. Coleman Greevy celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on May 27.
1964 - The old Church bell (from the Methodist Church), which was cast in 1837, was presented in May, to St. George Church in Utica. Former Pastor, Rev. Cuthbert Dittmeier died July 7, in Albany, New York. Rev. Benedict Scarff died January 14 in Utica, New York. Rev. George Rudrof died April 30 in Watertown, New York.
1965 - February, the Diocese of Syracuse announced that St. Joseph and St. Patrick Churches would be consolidated. Rev. Clarence O'Shea was the first Franciscan and the last Administrator of St. Patrick Church. Rev. Colman Greevy was the last Pastor of St. Joseph Church. May, a three-story brick building, located at 712-714 Columbia Street, and a four stall cement block building, used as a garage, were purchased for $15,144.96. Borek Wrecking Company demolished one brick building and garage located at 718 Columbia Street, for $900.00. (718 is probably wrong).
St. Patrick Church 1848
Winter of 1848-1849, a meeting was held to discuss the founding of a new Catholic Church. Attending this meeting were Peter Clogher, John Holmes, Lawrence Morgan, Edward Ryan, William Stanford, Edward Merns, Lawrence Doyle, Lawrence Bailey, Edward Dolin, James Merriman, Thomas Dolin, Myles Mulligan and Jacob Gottry. Bishop John McCloskey gave Rev. Patrick Caraher permission to start a new Parish. Land was bought on Columbia Street, west of Wiley Street.
1849 - December, a small chapel was erected.
1850 - In the summer, Watson's Tavern on the corner of Columbia and Huntington Streets, together with a Lutheran Church, adjacent to the east, were destroyed by fire. Corner lot was secured the day after the fire and preparations for a new Church began. Ruins of the Lutheran Church were purchased several years later. On St. Patrick's Day, the first Mass of the new Parish was celebrated in the Chapel.
1851 - Cornerstone of the new Church was laid by Bishop John McCloskey the evening of July 13th. First Mass was celebrated on Christmas Day. Former temporary Church was retained as a school. Sisters of St. Francis taught in the school until 1870. First Sodality of Mary was formed.
1852 - Church was completed for service on Christmas morning. First trustees were Peter Clogher and James Merriman.
1868 - Rectory was built on the site of the Lutheran Church.
1870 - From the Historical Souvenir Book, 1849-1897, "The school building was leased to the City of Utica, to use as a school, with Father Caraher appointing the teachers. He chose the two Misses Hurley". No record of how long this situation lasted. It appears that no Catholic Sisters taught school, 1870 to 1918, until the new school opened.
1883 - May 27, the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established.
1888 - Father Caraher resigned due to ill health. Rev. John J. McDonald, Pastor, October 4, 1888 to April 14, 1893.
1889 - November 8, fire destroyed the Church. From the Historical Souvenir Book, 1849-1897, "The Church was closed in October 1888, and the origin of the fire was therefore a mystery". Apparently the people were worshiping in the former school before the fire, and until the new Church was completed in 1895.
1890 - Former Pastor, Rev. Patrick Caraher died October 23. 1893 April 14, Rev. Nicholas Quinn was appointed Pastor. Upon his arrival he found the parishioners worshipping in the former school. The remains of the Church were untouched. Rev. Nicholas Quinn, Pastor, April 14, 1893 to August 20, 1916.
1894 - July 15, the cornerstone of the new Church was laid by Bishop Ludden.
1895 - Plans for a new school were made. L.C.B.A. Branch 216 was organized. New Church was dedicated on the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
1901 - March 24, the Holy Name Society was organized. June 4, the Cadets of the Holy Name were organized.
1902 - April 6, the Ladies Aid Society was organized.
1903 - June 8, the A.O.H. Division, No. 11, Oneida County was organized. September18, the A.O.H. Ladies Auxiliary was organized.
1904 - Former Pastor John J. McDonald died August 6, in Binghamton, New York.
1906 - On the feast day of the Immaculate Conception, the 11th Anniversary of the dedication of St. Patrick Church, Father Nicholas Quinn announced that the Church stands free of debt.
1916 - The sum of $20,000.00 had been raised for the new school and Convent when Father Nicholas Quinn died on August 20. Rev. Edward Pendergast became Pastor on September 20. He completed the school, convent and redecorated the Church interior. Rev. Edward Pendergast, Pastor, September 20, 1916 to June 14, 1931.
1917 - Cornerstone of the new school was laid on May 30, 1918. September 4, the new school opened. Cost approximately $55,000.00. Sisters of St. Joseph took charge of the school. Girls were enrolled in the Blessed Virgin Sodality, and the boys in another group, with St. John the Baptist as their special patron.
1927 - During Father Pendergast's illness, Rev. Edward Davern was appointed Administrator.
1928 - Father Edward Pendergast returned to active duty.
1931 - June 14, Father Edward Pendergast died. July 4, the Rev. Frederick J. Lagoe became Pastor. He redecorated the Church, installed new marble Altars and a new heating system.
1950 - St. Patrick Church celebrated its Centennial Anniversary on May 7.
1966 - Rosary Altar Society held 25th Anniversary Dinner. Was formed October 3, 1941. Associate Pastors of St. Patrick Church: Rev. Richard N. Gahan, Rev. Robert J. Bogan, Rev. Joseph P. Egan, Rev. Mathew K. Merns, Rev. A. Castelli, Rev. Jeremiah J. Davern, Rev. John C. Higgins, Rev. James Pryor, Rev. William J. Powers, Rev. John H. McGraw, Rev. Charles N. Daley, Rev. Maurice W. Kissane, Rev. Michael Joyce, Rev. Charles Oley, Rev. Edward A. Ward, Rev. M. P. Mulhall, Rev. James F. Farrel, Rev. John R. Murray, Rev. William Dougherty, Rev. D. P. Curtin, Rev. Francis R. Zimmer, Rev. George Lee, Rev. John P. Shanahan, Rev. John B. Daley, Rev. Theodore Provost, Rev. Raymond Lawrence, Rev. Lawrence Patterson, Rev. William P. Quinn, Rev. Lawrence J. Horan, Rev. Daniel E. Lawler, Rev. Henry H. Hyland, Rev. Edmund J. Codd, Rev. Richard Clark and Rev. Francis C. Sheedy .
St. Joseph's & St. Patrick's Church
1966 - St. Joseph and St. Patrick Churches were merged at the former St. Joseph Church. Last Sunday Service at St. Patrick's Church was August 28. First Pastor of the merged Churches was the Rev. Colman Greevy. First Mass of the merged Churches was celebrated on September 4. September 15, the statue of St. Patrick was placed on the Epistle side of the Sanctuary, and the statue of St. Joseph was placed on the Gospel side. Rev. Norbert Scheid died February 12, in Syracuse, New York. Rev. Daniel Lyons died August 14 in Riverside, New Jersey. Rev. Colman Greevy, Pastor, 1966 to 1970.
1967 - Brick schoolhouse on Lafayette Street was demolished. It was built in 1855.
1968 - St. Patrick Church was demolished, it was built in 1894. DuHart Wrecking demolished the Church, Rectory, School and Convent, plus the properties located at 705-707-709 Lafayette Street and 502-506 Varick Street for $15,595.00. Marble and mosaic Altar of St. Patrick's Church was transferred to St. Joseph-St. Patrick Church, where it became the Sacrificial Altar. Borek Wrecking Company demolished four buildings, two brick located at 502-506 Varick Street, and two wooden located at 705-709 Lafayette Street, for $2,000.00.
1970 - Between 1970 and 1976 new Church doors made of aluminum and stained glass were installed. Rev. Clarence O'Shea, Pastor, 1970 to 1976.
1972 - Rev. Alban M. Bartosch died May 1, in Utica, New York.
1974 - Former Administrator, Rev. Bernard Frank, died May 3 in Speculator, New York. Rev. Arnold Netzer celebrated 30th Anniversary of Priesthood in June.
1975 - Rev. Francis Edic died July 24, in Utica, New York
1976 - Rev. Chrysostum Garden, Pastor, 1976 to 1982. Koehler's Restaurant was purchased for $30,000.00 and torn down for $2,900.00. Former Pastor, Rev. Alexander Sheridan died May 15, in Syracuse, New York.
1977 - St. Joseph-St. Patrick Church was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Doris Sunderhaft submitted the application for the listing.
1979 - Electric carillon was restored after ten years. Former Pastor, Rev. Colman Greevy died July 5, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada.
1981 - Knights of St. John celebrated their 100th Anniversary on October 2. Former Pastor Rev. Clarence O'Shea died August 4 in Endicott, New York. Rev. Ignatius Slattery died April 13 in Syracuse, New York.
1982 Rev. Raynald Yudin, Pastor, 1982 to 1988. Rev. Leo Linder died May 17, in Auburn, New York.
1983 - Thru a timely bequest from the estate of E. Vincent Eichler, a new electronic computer organ was purchased and was dedicated on Sunday, November 27.
1985 - Last Franciscan Sisters departed.
1986 - School on Varick Street was closed. Father Marcian Kandrac died February 8 in Utica, New York.
1987 - Father Raynald Yudin celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood.
1988 - Rev. Antone Kandrac, Pastor 1988 to 1994. Father Gabriel Kohlbrenner died December 1 in Utica, New York.
1989 - Father Leonard Unger celebrated 50th Anniversary of Priesthood on May 21.
1990 - Brother Leo Merriman celebrated the 40th Anniversary of his profession. Father Robert Leahy died October 19.
1991 - School building on Varick Street was converted to a Parish Center for about $250,000.00. May 11 was the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph Church. St. Clare's Convent, once used by Agape House, is now Thea Bowman House, which is a food bank and day care center. Norbert J. Firsching was appointed the Church Historian. Rev. Arnold Netzer died January 19 in Albany, New York.
1992 - Perpetual Adoration Society was established on March 4. Elizabeth Frank championed the effort to have this Society at our Church.
1993 - Rev. Robert Bogan died March 6, in Albany, New York.
1994 - Altar Rosary Society had their Church window restored for $7,000.00. Former Pastor, Rev. John Chrysostum Garden died September 21, in Utica, New York. Rev. George Mullin, Pastor 1994 to 1995.
1995 - Theodore Lash, Pastor 1995 to 1996, the last Franciscan Friar to be Pastor. Sacred Heart of Jesus was enthroned in the Parish Center on September 15.
1996 – The Holy Name Society was disbanded at the June meeting. July 1, after 137 years the Franciscan Friars left. Secular Priests took formal possession of the Parish. Rev. Donald H. Karlen was the first Secular Pastor and at the same time became Pastor of St. George Church, July 1, 1996 to September 1, 1997. October, Robert Bick and Linda Firsching were named trustees. Linda was the first woman and the youngest. November, Werner Franz was named Church representative on the Diocesan Pastoral Council. Rev. Thomas Tasber died August 17. Former Pastor Rev. George Mullin died February 12, in Fonda, New York. Bishop Moynihan has stationed Father Lee Kaylor here for at least the next six months. He will be discerning the possibility of establishing an Oratory within our diocese.
1997 - Perpetual Adoration Society celebrated its 5th Anniversary. September 2, Rev. Donald Hebert became Pastor and at the same time became Pastor of St. George Church, 1997 to April 12, 2002.
1998 - Security systems were completed during January at the following expense: Altar & Sacristies $3,494.00, Parish Center $4,370.00, Rectory $5,064.00, Back of Church $3,056.00, for a total of $15,984.00. May 31, Father Theodore Lash celebrated his 40th Anniversary in the Priesthood. Patricia Schofield entered the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. St. Joseph-St. Patrick Parish has 667 families and 1,438 parishioners. East Tower was repaired at a cost of $5,000.00.
1999 - January 3, Sr. Patricia Schofield had her Mass of Investiture at the Franciscan Mother House in Syracuse. Father Donald Hebert was celebrant and homilist. Heritage Campaign began in August with a goal of $190,000. January 30/31, the first Super Bowl Sunday, which is part of a nation-wide effort for the needy, netted $465.75 and 84 cans. October 3, Father Leonard Unger celebrated 60 years as a Priest. Former Pastor, Rev. Theodore Lash died October 23 in Utica, New York. November 27, the Altar Rosary Society celebrated its 150th Anniversary. April 11 was the Tenth Annual Divine Mercy Sunday. Cost $12,700.00 to repair Church Windows.
2000 - January 27/28, the Super Bowl Sunday netted $463.25 and 86 cans. The 8th anniversary of Perpetual Adoration at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church was celebrated at the 5:30 PM Mass on March 2. Theresa Stivali is the new bookkeeper, replacing Wilma who is retiring. Brother Leo Merriman (Conventual Franciscan), stationed at Our Lady of the Angels Church in Albany, New York, celebrated fifty years of his Religious Profession on March 19. Canonization Celebration – celebrated the 11th annual Divine Mercy honoring the canonization of Blessed Faustina Kowalska on April 30. The annual German Picnic was held on July 21, 22 and 23. Traditional games, rides, ethnic foods and entertainment were provided. October 3, cash and pledges paid to the Heritage Campaign: $103,014.44, balance $117,894.50. According to records in diocese database, the total of parish households is 427. July 11, Jean Matusiak became the bookkeeper. September, Joan Tamer was named President of the Parish Council. Rev. Dr. Edward A. Lenk OFM Conv. died September 17. Organist Stephen Jaworski resigned in May. Two organists, Chiharu Carpenter, and Richard E. Prusko came in August.
2001 – Mass of the New Year’s Day was celebrated on January 1, 2001 at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church at 5:30 PM Mass. On January 22 – 30, a solemn nine day Miraculous Medal Novena was celebrated. In a report submitted by Linda Firsching, Commissioned Youth Minister, the teens of the parish asked for cash donations, soup and other groceries. The donations were collected on Super Bowl weekend, January 27 and 28. Results of the collection: $566.50 in cash, 117 cans of soup and 34 other food items. Our teens decided to give the canned goods and money to the Thea Bowman House. The Church organ was repaired for $2000. On April 17th, the final papers were signed making St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church properties one parcel rather than a number of parcels. The property was transferred from the Franciscans to the Diocese. January - Rose Labuz was named president of the Altar Rosary Society. As of February 15, pledges to the Heritage Campaign totaled $157,240.00. Payments were $54,748.00 leaving a remaining balance of $102,492.00.
2002 - January, Richard Prusko is our RCIA/Adult Education Coordinator, and Ronald LaBuz is our Worship Coordinator. February 3 was Souper Bowl Sunday. March 1, Louise Phelps became the Administrative Assistant. March 4, the Perpetual Adoration Society celebrated its 10th Anniversary. March, Robert Bick, Sr. and John Pletl appointed to the Finance Committee. Robert Bick, Jr., John Duda and Charles Kulick appointed to the Maintenance Committee. Barbara Finnegan and Jackie Schafer appointed to the Vocation Committee. The German Picnic was cancelled. April 8, Father Leonard Unger died in Bridgeport, New York. April 12, Father Donald Hebert, left. April 13, Father Gary M. Fukes arrived as temporary Administrator. Our new Administrator, Father Richard Dellos, arrived on July 9. Father Gary Fukes, will remain through the month of July. August 15, Sister Margaret Mary left. Sister Catherine Joseph Croghan, CSJ, became Parish Minister and Director of Religious Education on September 1. September, Heritage goal $190,000,00, payments $160,205.49, balance $43,477.00. A Theme Basket Raffle was held in December, chaired by Dorothy Kane and Marilyn Ryznar, and yielded a profit of $1,250.00.
2003 - Chiharu Carpenter, one of our organists, left on January 12. A Basketball Team was organized. The German Picnic is back with Richard Vogel and Joan Tamer as Co-Chairmen. John Ryznar directed the Living Stations for Good Friday, April 18. Hope Appeal Weekend was Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18. First Communion May 18 - Kara Brown, Krysta Brown, Shannon Dukette, Kyle Litz, Gerrad Matys, Jerrica Paulsen, Nicholas Pollock, Casandra Stevens and Valerie Wing. June 30, Heritage goal $190,000.00, payments $168,687.49, balance $33,645.00. German Picnic held July 25, 26, 27. Thea Bowman House offered to purchase the former nuns convent that they now occupy. The Blessing of Animals was on the front lawn of the Rectory. On October 6, Father Bassam Saade celebrated a Maronite Mass in our Church. The first Stewardship Speech was October 25 & 26 by Robert and Mary Bick. The second Stewardship Speech was November 1 & 2 by Norbert and Rita Firsching. The third Stewardship Speech was November 8 & 9 by Ron & Rose LaBuz. The fourth Stewardship Speech was November 15 & 16 by John Pletl. The Vatican Theologians unanimously recognize Mother Marianne's Heroic Virtue. New Organists are Mary Holzhauer and Mary Droz. As of December 31 the Heritage Campaign Payments 171,067.49, balance $31,265.00.
2004 – In March, St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church started hosting a coffee house, Molokai House, on the last Saturday of each month. In February, Mother Marianne Cope received the title of Venerable. The 2003 German Picnic netted the Church $13,583. In February, a Youth Retreat was organized by Father Dellos to Steubenville, the Franciscan University in Ohio. It was held on July 16 – 18. The 12th Anniversary of Perpetual Adoration was celebrated on March 5th with Mass and the Stations of the Cross. A Parish Retreat was held on March 6 & 7 at the weekend Masses. A Healing Mass was held on Sunday afternoon. The Retreat continued on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and 2 Masses were held each day with Confession after each Mass. St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church hosted a Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner on March 21 to benefit the Parish Youth Group. On March 21 Confirmation was held at St. Agnes Church. Fourteen members of the Confirmation Class were from St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church. First Communion was held on May 16 with 7 receiving their First Communion. An “Evening of Sacred Music” was held on August 16 at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church as part of Utica Monday Night Sacred Music Series. St. Joseph & St. Patrick Choir was joined by the Utica Maennerchor Choir. A reception was held immediately after the concert in the Parish Center to honor Venerable Mother Marianne Cope. Norbert Firsching retired as Church Historian in September after 13 years of dedicated service. Terrie Daily volunteered to take over the Church Historian responsibilities. The Parish Festival, formerly the German Picnic, was held on October 1, 2 & 3. There were midway rides, the Sal Alberico Group, Tony’s Polka Band and John’s D. J. Service as well as raffles and kids games. German, Polish, Italian and American food was served.
2005 – On January 9, a ‘Thank You’ reception was held for Fr. Richard Dellos in the Parish Center in appreciation for all he’s done for the Parish and for the gift of his priesthood. In February, Mother Marianne Cope’s remains were transported from Hawaii to the Franciscan Mother House in Syracuse. A community forum was held at Our Lady of Lourdes on April 28. The topic was ‘Mother Marianne: Utica’s Future Saint’. On April 30, Molokai Family Coffee House celebrated its first anniversary. Mother Marianne was beatified in Rome, Italy on May 14. First Communion took place May 1 at the 10:30 Mass followed by May Crowning. On May 23, Wendy’s in Yorkville donated 10% of all ‘inside sales’ between 5 – 8 PM to St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church. Saturday, July 9, a special blessing of runners who will participate in the Boilermaker was celebrated at 7 PM in the Church. All runners were invited to receive prayers for stamina, endurance, protection from injury and a special blessing by Fr. Dellos. A July 24 panel discussion was held with a few pilgrims who went to Rome, Italy for the beatification of Mother Marianne of Molokai. Insights and experiences were shared. ‘An Evening of Sacred Music’ was held on August 22 by St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church Choir and Friends. Mary Holzhauer was music director. On September 17, Bible study began and met every 3rd Saturday of the month. Classes were led by Fr. Dellos. In October, the Parish Festival was replaced by a chicken BBQ. It was decided to make it a parish event so people could relax and get to know each other. Also, it was a lot less work and there was more time to ‘have a good time’. A new monstrance was donated to the Adoration Chapel on October 26 by Legionnaires of Christ. The monstrance was blessed by Pope John Paul II on Easter Sunday, 2005 in St. Peter’s Square. It was donated to promote religious vocations. On October 6 – 8, a free concert and parish retreat led by Fr. Maximilian Mary, FI was sponsored by St. Joseph & St. Patrick Vocation Committee. In December, St. Joseph & St. Patrick Parish raised $3,757 for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
2006 –Ten second graders received the Sacrament of Reconciliation in February. They were Marisa Amado, Mikayla Galliher, Claire Parisi, Samantha Staley, Sam Stevens, Chelsey Butler, Chloe Mangari, Roman Quinn, Makenzie Stevens and Robert Whiting. A parish mission, entitled “A Meaningful Lent”, was led by Marist fathers from Framingham, Mass. on February 20 – 22. Mass was celebrated and conferences were held all 3 days. March 3rd marked the 14th anniversary of Perpetual Adoration. Stations of the Cross were said followed by a Mass of Thanksgiving. St George’s Church held a corned beef dinner on March 12. The Knights of St. John celebrated the first anniversary of Casino Night with games of blackjack, the big six wheel, over and under and roulette.
2008 – In August, some major repairs were done to the 150 year old slate roof on the Church. The cost was about $1 million and the money was received from bequests. The work was done by parishioner John Sullivan’s company.
2009 – Grants for Mother Marianne’s Soup Kitchen were received in January from M & T Bank ($2500) and the Macartney-Wallace Family Fund ($500). Sr. Roberta coordinated an effort to bring together parishioners ages 21 – 39 to put their talents to use for projects to benefit the whole parish. A new Gothic style censor and matching boat were donated in memory of deceased loved ones by an anonymous donor. They were blessed and first used on January 23, the feast day of Blessed Marianne Cope. January 26 was the 101st anniversary of the Church’s consecration. The Gospel choir, Voices of Faith, rehearsed in the Parish Center on Monday evenings. In gratitude, they sang at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, February 22. The Vocations Committee was looking for relatives or acquaintances of the 65 or so vocations native to St. Joseph St. Patrick. They have names and locations of the living but need birth dates, death dates and places where the deceased are buried so the parish can honor them on their anniversaries. The Committee eventually hoped to meet the relatives and learn their stories. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee donated a check for $605.81 to the Soup Kitchen. Approximately 500 food items were collected on the day of the parade. Scrap yarn was needed by Mary Schmitt and Betty Graf to make and donate blankets for AIDS babies. Over 5000 blankets have been made to date. 9 year old Autumn Riesel was welcomed into the full life of the Church on Easter, April 12. In May, second graders Eric Burt, Ethan Galliher, Carrilynn Garrett, John Korzeniowski, Alexis Newbury and Emily Staley received their First Communion. The Utica Monday Night concert was held in the Church on July 27. Richard Roberts and Joanne Lockwood were professed into St. Joseph’s Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order at St. Joseph St. Patrick on June 21 during Holy Mass at 2PM. $865 was collected for the Rice Bowl program. On July 5, an Over 90 Luncheon was held for parishioners 90+. A gathering for new parishioners within the past year was held on June 30 in the Parish Center. Golf with Father Dellos took place July 23 at Hidden Valley. It included 12 holes and a steak dinner. Anointing of the sick took place at 9AM on Saturday, July 4. Participants in the Pentecost Outreach gathered in the Parish Center on Saturday, July 18 for discussion and refreshments. Experiences, insights and suggestions for reaching out were a great help in continuing the mission. Bob Bick crafted brass candle holder bases that he donated to the Church. He also removed the wrought iron fence in front of the Church. September 16 marked Thea Bowman House’s Peace Garden Dedication and Autumn Concert with dedication of Michel’s metal sculpture, “Peace Garden Totem”. The annual Autumn Concert was held in St. Joseph St. Patrick Church with a reception following in the Parish Center. Hope Appeal update - $31,095 in pledges. $24,522 were received. On August 30, Fr. Paul English, C. S. B. spoke at all weekend Masses about the work the Priests of the Basilian Fathers do among the poor and needy in their Latin American apostolate. There was a special collection to help in their efforts with the poor and needy. Thea Bowman House offered tickets to the PGA Championship, September 30 – October 4, at Turning Stone. The Upstate New York Empowerment Fund and the Oneida Nation gave Thea Bowman House 100% of the face value of tickets sold for the organization. 2009 – 2010 Catechists were Lillie Duda, Alinda Goodman, Gordon Morrock, Kathy Morrock, Renee Neri, Joyce Schmidt and Cheryl Staley. Subs were Bonnie Fazio, Michael Servatius, Betty Servatius, George Staley, Malinda Vogel and Kim Zenobio. On Friday, October 2, Deacon Sam Salamone spoke on the “Fatima Message”. The Rosary was prayed in honor of the Blessed Mother every Tuesday in October. Weather permitting, it was on the Church grounds. A reception for Bishop Cunningham and the confirmation candidates was held in the Parish Center after Confirmation. A St. Jude Novena was held October 26, 27 and 28. Benediction, Novena prayers and Mass were celebrated. “Come Walk With Me”, A Time of Meditation, Music, Prayer and Healing was held on Saturday, November 8 at 7PM. Mark Forrest, International Irish Tenor, presented the program. A free will offering was requested. Mass of the Precious Blood was celebrated on October 16 by Fr. Thomas Alkire, Order of Carmelite. Father, a former exorcist of Stockton, Ca. and a healer , prayed over the congregation. The November 10 Confirmation class included Brittany Amado, Anna Antonik, Erin Brown, Jennifer Goodman, Rebecca Kelsey, Kyle Litz, Jessica Paulsen, Casandra Stevens, Brandon Thierry, Valerie Wing and Kristi Zenobio. St. Mary’s Auxiliary held their annual bake sale before and after all Masses on November 14 and 15. Breakfast with Santa was held in the Parish Center on November 29. Breakfast included pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and hot cocoa or coffee. The cost was $5 for adults, children 10 and under, $3. Maximum cost per family was $10. 150 Thanksgiving dinners were served in the Soup Kitchen. “Thank you” was offered to Fr. Fraats for the donation of the oriental style rug that is in front of the Altar of Repose. Liz Droz no longer was responsible for the Coffee House Sundays after the 10:30 Mass. The West Side Kitchen volunteers and staff assumed responsibility for the Coffee House. The son of a parishioner stationed in Iraq requested book bags and school supplies for approximately 200 students at an elementary school in Tarmiyah district.
2010 – Rosemarie Roberts assumed her position as Coordinator of our Perpetual Adoration Chapel on January 1st. The following Adorers accepted the duties of Block Coordinators: Ann Furner, Debbie Sullivan, Cynthia Barres, Mary Neiner, Carole Aulbach, Lamya Stowens and Betty Frank (Promoter). Fr. Paul Murphy recently passed away. He was a Vincentian Father and spent many years serving St. Joseph St. Patrick parish as well as St. George parish. On Saturday, January 23rd, the Feast of Blessed Marianne Cope was observed with recitation of the Divine Office and the celebration of Mass. A blessing with her relic was offered following both services. The Annual Parish Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held February 16th at the Roselawn Banquet House. There was a cash bar and free buffet dinner. All who volunteered in any way for the parish and its ministry were invited. Spouses of volunteers were also welcome. Fr. Joseph O’Connor, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Syracuse, spoke at all weekend Masses February 13-14. Lawrence Martone, a seminarian from St. Joseph St. Patrick parish, returned to Pope John XXIII Seminary for Delayed Vocations in Weston, MA to complete his second year theology studies in preparation for ordination to the diocesan priesthood in three years. The Vocation Committee finalized preparations for initiating a Traveling Vocation Crucifix Program. The committee is looking for families to host the vocation crucifix for one week. “Disciples Don’t Retire – God in Your Later Years” was a program presented by Fr. Donald Karlen on March 4th in the Parish Center. Lunch was provided in the Soup Kitchen followed by questions and a discussion. Mass followed. A Mass of Thanksgiving for the Perpetual Adoration Chapel was held on March 5th in honor of the 18th anniversary of the Chapel. On Sunday, Marcy 21st representatives from the Legion of Mary, Knights of St. John, the Carmelite Order, Secular Franciscan Order, the Marists and the Franciscan TOR were available in the Parish Center to provide information and answer questions about their vocations and ministries. Refreshments were provided by Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen. The Secular Franciscans of St. Joseph Fraternity honored the Mother Marianne West Side Soup Kitchen and the Rescue Mission with the inaugural Mother Marianne Cope Award as part of its 150th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, June 6 at the Radisson Hotel. The 21st Annual Divine Mercy Sunday was celebrated on April 11th with Fr. Ralph Fraats, homilist. There was music, the Chaplet was recited and Holy Mass was celebrated. St. Mary’s Auxiliary held their annual Spring Bake Sale on April 24th and 25th before and after all Masses. There were plenty of delicious homemade goodies. The Knights of St. John held their 2nd Annual Deer & Beer Buffet on April 17th. Various venison dishes, salads, beer, soda and coffee were offered. The following second graders received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist: Everett Fischer, Rachel Maziarz, Gianna Neri, Joseph Schreck and Jordyn Stevens. Every Tuesday during the month of May, in honor of the Blessed Mother, the rosary was prayed on the grounds of the church before the 5:30 Mass. Bishop Cunningham celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse on May 14th to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Mother Marianne’s beatification. Blessed Marianne Cope of the Sisters of St. Francis, Syracuse, spent 30 years at Kalaupapa, Molokai, caring for leprosy patients. The annual golf outing with Fr. Dellos was on July 7th at Hidden Valley. 18 holes, lunch and a steak dinner were included for $52. A bus trip to the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, MA was on August 25th. The Utica Monday Nite Concert was held on July 26th. A program of sacred Christmas music was presented. In addition to the St. Joseph St. Patrick choir, the choir of Annunciation Church (Ilion), members of St. Paul’s Church (Whitesboro), Holy Trinity Church and Br. Ed Bick, bsf participated. Jack Molesky set up the manger scene that was loaned by John Duda. Thanks to John Duda for repariring the pews in the Parish Center Chapel. Lecto Divina is an ancient method of praying the Scriptures practiced in early Christianity. “Group” Lectio can be helpful for those who wish to more clearly hear, ponder and know God’s word. Three sessions of Group Lectio Divina were held in the Parish Center starting September 1st. The Altar Rosary Society, through their fundraisers, was able to present the parish with funds to have the statues of Mary, St. Joseph, St. Patrick and the Sacred Heart of Jesus cleaned, repaired and repainted. The Joseph and Eunice Beaton Family donated a new processional cross in their memory that is used for holy days and special liturgies. The old metal one was beyond repair. Fr. Phil Brockmyre, Pastor of St. Stephen’s Church in Phoenix, NY, spoke at all the Masses October 2nd and 3rd on the subject of Natural Family Planning. A novena to St. Jude Thaddeus started October 26th and ended on his feast day, October 28th. Each day began with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament followed by recitation of Novena prayers and ended with the Mass. Br. Leo Merriman, OFM Conv. died peacefully on February 9th in Troy, NY. Br. Leo served in pastoral care at St. Joseph St. Patrick during the 1980’s and 1990’s. Anointing of the sick took place on Sunday, October 31st. It was for all those suffering in any way: mentally, spiritually, physically, etc. “Vito Bonifacci” a locally made film starring parishioner Mike Rizzo and Fr. Dellos debuted in New York at the Tribeca Film Festival on November 4th. Divine Will Retreat featuring Fr. Joseph Iannuzi, Theologian, Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy was on Friday, November 5th. Mass was followed by an Introductory Talk on Luisa Piccarreta, recently proclaimed Servant of God. Full day retreat began Monday, November 6th. The Knights of St. John and the Ladies Auxiliary held their 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Pie Drive to support the Mother Marianne Soup Kitchen. The following nominations were received for Parish Council: Dino Montalbano, Richard Roberts, John Sullivan, Laurel Pauline, Joseph Falvey, Rose Roberts, Debbie Sullivan and Richard Dukette. Doris Yager, Parish Council Secretary, and Rich Vogel resigned from the Council at this time. “The Birth of Christ – A Franciscan Christmas” was presented by the Franciscan Mystery Players Teen Group of Clayton, NY on November 11th. A dramatic presentation was presented through the use of light and sound. Breakfast with Santa was November 28th. It included pancakes, eggs, sausage, OJ, hot cocoa or coffee. Santa had a small toy for each child and a free photo was taken. The Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties provided two grants from their donor advised fund: $1000 from the Ronald & Sheila Cuccaro Family and $500 from the Jacque & Terry Tolles fund. The monies were designated for use by the Mother Marianne West Side Soup Kitchen.
2011 – The 103rd anniversary of the Church’s consecration was celebrated on January 26th. The Franciscan Mystery Players Teen Group from Clayton, NY returned on March 25th to act out the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary using special lighting and sound. Deacon Gil Nadeau resigned as Parish Business Administrator to take on the full-time position of Executive Director of the John Bosco House. Bob Bick resigned as Parish Trustee after many years of service to the parish. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee donated $557.14 and food items collected on the day of the parade to the Soup Kitchen. The St. Mary’s Auxiliary Annual Spring Bake Sale was Palm Sunday weekend before and after all Masses. Proceeds helped fund the Thea Bowman special project. The students and community of the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute shared proceeds from the Annual Empty Bowls Project. Mother Marianne West Side Soup Kitchen received $1403 from the proceeds. The Women of Rotary of Greater Utica presented the Soup Kitchen with a $200 donation. Christopher Bussonais, Jada Hall, Blair Kahler, Arianna Gonzalez, Allan Prescod, Riah Sheridan and Shane Stevens made their First Communion on May 1st. Bishop Costello celebrated Confirmation on May 24th for Cassidy Brown, Justin Durham, Kelli Goodman, Anthony Jennings, Nicholas Jennings, Liam Kahler, Victor Kelsey, Danielle Korzeniowski, Brenna Lyons, Mary Manzari, Domonique Prescod, Nicholas Sanborn and adults, Robert Kiniry, Brittany Murray and David Koza. Monetary donations were made to Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen by the following: the Newman Center; Utica Polka League; St. Mary of Mt. Carmel; and Peggy Koehn in honor of her father, Anthony Weber who was a big part of the Soup Kitchen as well as the parish. The Ladies of St. Mary Auxiliary #156 held a benefit June 1st for the children of Thea Bowman House. Bob & Donna Oderkirk, who served Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen as night prep coordinators since the kitchen opened, will be leaving. All kitchen volunteers were invited to a reception to honor them on July 28th. In June, the Soup Kitchen provided 2,422 meals to our neighbors. The Utica Monday Nite concert was on August 1st and featured spirituals and American hymns. The Hope Appeal surpassed its goal. Total pledges were $31,511, the goal was $29,691. This year was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our country. Patriot Day was observed at Masses the weekend of September 11th. Prayers were offered for those who died in the attacks, for peace and to honor first responders. Utica Firemen and the Knights of St. John participated at the 10:00 Mass. Liz Droz, Josephine Abounader and Anne Longo provided a reception after Mass. A Volunteer Recognition Dinner was held October 21st at the Roselawn Restaurant for all parish volunteers. The dinner was funded from collections for Saranac Thursday parking in the Church lot. Joe and George Schmitt did the collecting and raised $2,535. Andrew Siuta planted and tended to the garden in front of the Mother Marianne statue. A Divine Mercy Talk by Fr. Dan Cambria MIC (Provincial) and Brother Michael Baker, MIC was held on September 25th. Father Dan is a member of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, the religious Community entrusted with spreading the Message and Devotion of Divine Mercy. Marilyn Schwalbach was appointed trustee by Bishop Cunningham. St. Joseph St. Patrick participated in the 125th anniversary celebration of the Syracuse Diocese during a concert at Our Lady of Lourdes on October 23rd. A Healing Mass and teaching with Fr. Richard McAlear and Fr. Amedeo Guida was held on November 3rd. The New Horizons Barbershop Chorus presented “An Afternoon of Music” on November 13. $950 in proceeds benefitted Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen and the John Bosco House. The Church put together a St. Joseph St. Patrick Photo Album. There was no cost to be photographed and every participating family received a complimentary 8x10 portrait. Breakfast with Santa was held on November 27. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, OJ and hot cocoa or coffee were served. Santa had a small toy for each child and photos were taken for free. On December 11th, A Eucharistic Rally was held in Church. Under the leadership and direction of Fr. Dellos, Barbara Martin presented the teaching “Understanding the Eucharist: The Greatest Need in the Church Today”. The teaching was combined with music, personal testimony, worship and Benediction of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Robert Bick received the Immaculata Award on December 4th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse in recognition of his unselfishly volunteering his time and service to St. Joseph St. Patrick. The award was instituted as part of the diocesan celebration of the 125th Anniversary Year of the Diocese of Syracuse. Sister Mary Laurence Hanley, OSF, author of “A Song of Pilgrimage and Exile” passed away on December 2nd. Sister led Mother Marianne’s cause for Sainthood and her well-known book covers the life and spirit of Mother Marianne of Molokai. The Ronald & Sheila Cuccaro Family Fund Grant awarded $1,500 to Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen. Many generous donations were made to the Soup Kitchen during the Christmas season. The Telecom Pioneers presented the kitchen with $1000 from profits from the Bob Yager 15th Memorial Golf Tournament. Bob was active with the New York Telephone Pioneers and volunteered on many committees at St. Joseph St. Patrick including plans/fundraising to renovate the former school, now the Mother Marianne West Side Soup Kitchen. CRM Rental Management, Inc. in Rome, The Great American Irish Festival, Inc. and the Ancient Order of Hibernians each presented $500 to the Soup Kitchen.
2012 – The 104th anniversary of the consecration of the Church was celebrated at weekend Masses January 21st and 22nd. Through the consecration, our Church was permanently dedicated to the service and worship of God. In celebrating this anniversary, we also celebrated our existence as a parish. Mother Marianne’s feast day was celebrated Monday, January 23. There was a dinner prior to Mass at Zeina’s Café compliments of St. Joseph St. Patrick and Zeina’s. Fr. Hapanowicz was guest speaker. Over 200 people attended Mass and over 100 attended the dinner. The 20th anniversary of Perpetual Adoration was celebrated March 4th with Mass. A dinner followed at the Radisson Hotel. The Ancient Order of Hibernians held their annual St. Patrick’s Mass at St. Joseph St. Patrick on March 16th. Fr. Fraats, the county chaplain, was the principal celebrant. Mother Marianne’s Soup Kitchen marked its 4th anniversary on March 10th. Bob Bick retired after 65 years of service to St. Joseph St. Patrick as an usher. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Maine, NY, were at the Church March 24th. There was a Fatima video presentation; procession of Our Lady Rosary, devotional crowning, Angelus, sung Litany and Five Joyful Mysteries; Holy Mass in honor of Our Lady; procession of the Blessed Sacrament; conferences on Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament; Act of Consecration, Benediction, enrollment in the Brown Scapular and conferment of the Miraculous Medal. The Utica St. Patrick’s Day Committee and Adorino Construction, Inc. presented the Mother Marianne Soup Kitchen with a check for $1,223 from the annual parade food drive as well as approximately 709 food items. The Hamilton College Community hosted a food drive on campus and donated the food items to the Mother Marianne Soup Kitchen. The Feast of the Divine Mercy was celebrated on April 15th. The homilist was Rev. Arthur Krawczenko of Sacred Heart/St. Mary’s in New York Mills. Mira Barnard, Kayla Burt, Ashley Donlon, Gabriella Jones, Zachary Koscielniak, Martha Lual and Tara Morawiec received their First Holy Communion on May 6th. The St. Joseph Fraternity announced the Profession of Cynthia Barres, William McMyler, Ana Pereira and Roberta Mickey into the Secular Franciscan Order. Profession is the solemn ecclesial act by which the candidates renew Baptismal promises and publicly affirm their personal commitment to live the Gospel in the world according to the example of St. Francis and following the Rule of the Order of Franciscan Seculars. Since the opening of Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen 4 years ago, over 100,000 meals have been served. In April alone, 479 children, 2283 adults and 182 elderly were served. Fr. J. Patrick Foley, Ph.D., a specialist in spiritual direction from Sacramento, CA, was invited by St. Joseph St. Patrick Parish to conduct a parish mission on June 17th – June 20. Father offered Mass followed by a talk. He was available for confessions and for personal consultation. A jazz concert by “Rick Montalbano & Friends” was held July 15th at Café Domenico to benefit Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen. John Pletl was appointed our newest Trustee on July 1st. John had been the Finance Committee Chairman. Cheryl Staley accepted the position of Coordinator of Religious Education. She replaced Sr. Catherine Croghan, Director of Religious Education. Sr. Catherine continued in her position as Parish Minister. Parishioner Larry Martone completed his third year of seminary studies but after much discernment and spiritual direction, decided not to continue in priestly formation. Larry was grateful for the prayerful support from parishioners. The Utica Monday Nite concert was August 13th. The program was Ave Maria: Hymns to the Virgin Mary. Elizabeth “Beth” Lynch, Museum Manager, events coordinator and media representative for the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs at Auriesville, discussed Kateri Tekawitha’s life growing up as a Mohawk in the 17th Century. The event was sponsored by the Secular Franciscan Order. Kateri was canonized a Saint on October 21st. On August 12th Dr. John & Kathy Colligan gave a talk and witness of miracle healing attributed to the intercession of St. Kateri Tekawitha. A question and answer session followed. Sue Mahoney and Sr. Rose Raymond Wagner gave a similar presentation on August 19th. Golf with Father Dellos was August 11th at Domenico’s in Whitesboro. The cost included golf, cart and BBQ. The Soup Kitchen was awarded a Diocesan McDevitt Grant of $4,810.87. Dr. Paul Dumas gave a 3-part series of talks on St. Marianne Cope: “In League with the Saints”, “Character Formation as Foundations for Ministry” and “Missional Significance” and “The New Evangelism”. In honor of St. Marianne Cope’s canonization there was a Mass and procession on September 15th. A five foot statue made in Poland and a first order relic of St. Marianne were unveiled followed by a procession, led by La Banda Rossa, to Schuyler St. and the site of St. Marianne’s former home. The celebration continued after the Schuyler St. ceremony at Roger’s Café where Pete Rose presented a Christian concert. The Altar Rosary Society made a $1300 donation to the St. Marianne celebration. It covered the cost of shipping the St. Marianne statue from Poland. An anonymous donor matched all new gifts to the Hope Appeal from mid-September to October. Thanks were given to Matt, Rob, Rich and Daryl Scibor of SCI Plywood Co. in New York Mills for donating the materials for the Mother Marianne Statue and Paul Tuzzolino of Tri Temp Equipment, Inc. of Utica for donating LED lighting for the Mother Marianne Statue Relic. Thanks were also given to John Duda for building the stand for the Mother Marianne Statue. Thanks were given to the anonymous donor who made a contribution in memory of Andrew John Green to the St. Marianne Shrine Fund. The Soup Kitchen placed third in the Chili Palooza at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds. Patricia LaBrozzi received Confirmation at St. Joseph St. Patrick. Breakfast with Santa was on November 25th. Eggs, sausage, OJ, hot cocoa or coffee were served. There was a small toy for each child and a free photo was taken. The Church Choir recorded a CD, “Ave Maria”, featuring music in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
2013 – Betty Frank, OFS, was awarded the Franciscan Peace Award by the Saint Kateri Tekawitha Region of the Secular Franciscan Order. Betty’s accomplishments include: co-founder of the 24-hour Adoration Chapel at St. Joseph St Patrick; active supporter for Mother Marianne Cope’s sainthood; forming the Mother Marianne Prayer Group and helping to establish Utica’s Mother Marianne Shrine. She is recipient of the Pontifical Cross, the highest honor the Pope can bestow on a lay person, and has been a professed Secular Franciscan for 64 years, promoting peace and justice. Betty was also awarded the Pontifical Cross “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice”. The medal is given for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy. It is the highest medal that can be awarded to the laity by the Papacy. Congratulations Betty! St. Marianne Cope’s feast day and 175th birthday were celebrated on January 23 with Mass followed by a birthday party in the Parish Center complete with cake and ice cream. A $1500 grant was awarded to the Mother Marianne West Side Soup Kitchen from the Ronald & Sheila Cuccaro Family Fund, a donor-advised fund of the Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties, Inc. January 26 marked the 105th anniversary of the church’s consecration. It’s also the date used to celebrate the existence of the parish – 172 years and counting! The consecration candles mounted around the church were lit to honor the solemn occasion. Verizon Pioneers made a donation of $1000 to St. Marianne Cope West Side Soup Kitchen. For a number of years the Pioneers held Charity Golf Tournaments, for the past 5 years the event was held in memory of Bob Yager, who was a member of St. Joseph St. Patrick Church. St. Patrick was honored with a solemn Mass on March 15. Hibernians, bagpipes and a girl’s choir helped make the occasion festive. St. Joseph was honored with Mass on March 19 followed by a procession to the Parish Center for partaking of the St. Joseph’s Table. Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen celebrated its 5th anniversary on March 10th. The kitchen has served over 200,000 meals to date. Bob Hodkinson was named 2012 Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen Volunteer of the year. The Sacrament of Reconciliation was received on March 3rd by Jacqueline Fischer, Miguel Gonzalez, Shayla Morrissey , Hannah Burke, Raven Ruiz and William Lual. Rancy Lynch donated the new American flag in front of the rectory. Legion of Mary members held the Annual Acies Ceremony on April 14. Members renewed their individual dedication to Our Blessed Mother. Father LaFache was homilist and celebrant of Benediction. John Bosco House converted the former St. George Church building into an indoor greenhouse growing hydroponic lettuce, organic heirloom veggies and microgreens to help support programs to assist homeless young men. The products are available at local stores. In April, Marissa Elizabeth Amado, Carly Juliana Calhoun, Brooke Marianne DiMare, Jeremy Michael Goodman, Alexandria Rose Korzeniowski, George Joseph Lual, Chloe Mary Manzari, Chazz Michael Mattice, Ryan Luke Prescod, Samantha Marianne Staley and Alexandria Angela Whitney received the sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady of Lourdes. On Sunday, May 19, Fr. Dellos and Fr. LaFache celebrated the 45th jubilee of their priestly ordination. Mass marked the momentous occasion and a reception followed in the Parish Center. The Knights of St. John spent several hours clearing brush and trash from the St. Marianne property on Schuyler St. Mitchell Bravo, Charles Yronans and Keith Glod, neighbors of the property, built the planter box and filled it with flowers in honor of St. Marianne and Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen. Bea Waszkiewicz was recognized for 35 years of service at St. Joseph St. Patrick Church. God bless you for your dedication. Sr. Catherine Croghan, CSJ, was honored at Mass at the Great American Irish Festival at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds along with Fr. Sean O’Brien. She received the Irish Spirit Award. Sr. Roberta returned to Greymoor on the Hudson after serving St. Joseph St. Patrick for the past 5 years. Sister helped at the Soup Kitchen where she sang and played the organ for the guests. She assisted at daily Mass especially as lector/Eucharistic Minister and by attending to shut-ins. Along with Roseann WItkowski she founded and provided oversight for our vocation program. A coffee hour in honor of Sister was held after the 10:30 Mass on August 18. Perpetual Adoration Coordinator, Rose Marie Roberts and her husband Richard, completed a flower garden for adorers and parishioners to enjoy.
The block of Varick St. between Columbia and Lafayette Streets was renamed Saint Marianne Way on August 10th. It was dedicated by Utica’s Mayor Palmieri and the sign was blessed by Father Dellos. It was unveiled as the music of La Banda Rossa played. Senator Griffo, Assemblyman Brindisi and Councilman Zecca were also present. La Banda Rossa led the crowd into the parking lot and a Festival followed that was a blend of local food, Irish and German dancers, Irish and religious music and the ’Blues Brothers’. The Soup Kitchen has a new website filled with information and pictures. Go to www.mothermarianneswestsidekitchen.org. In the month of August the Soup Kitchen served 5,558 meals. The “Golf with Father Dellos” event on September 14th was coordinated by Dave and Marilyn Schwalbach. It was held at Valley View and included 9 holes, cart and dinner. The St. Marianne Novena ran from October 12th – 20th. There was daily Mass or Benediction, guest speakers (miracle cases, visiting clergy, Sisters of St. Francis) and veneration of her relic. The Utica College Theatre Department presented “Mother Marianne’s West Side Kitchen”, a full-length production devised from first-person narratives of profoundly poor Utica residents. The group conducted personal interviews in Mother Marianne’s West Side Soup Kitchen with Vicki Montalbano’s assistance and recorded the stories of people who rely on the soup kitchen for survival. The stories were shaped into a series of candid monologues and scenes. The film was shown November 7th, 8th and 9th. John Sullivan & Sons, Inc. installed new sidewalks on Saint Marianne Way and Lafayette Street. John is a parishioner at St. Joseph St. Patrick. John Duda stepped down from his position on the Parish Council after many years of service. His time and talent were much appreciated. The Immaculata Award recognizes and honors lay people who generously and unselfishly volunteer time and service to the Church. The Award was instituted in December, 2011 as a component of the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the diocese. This year’s recipient was Terri Bierman who received the Award on December 8th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse. Irene Collins-Kielar, our Office Administrator, passed away December 9th after fighting a courageous battle for just over a year with pancreatic cancer. She is greatly missed.
2014 – On January 23, the second feast day of “our” Saint Marianne Cope was celebrated with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass followed by veneration of first class relics of Saint Marianne. An estimated 275 people celebrated the feast day. Marilyn Schwalbach, Helen Nolan and Eric Burt gave testimony to answered prayers to Saint Marianne Cope. Psalms Bible Study led by Father Saba Shofany, pastor of St. Basil’s Catholic Church, began on January 26. Father was born in Israel and is a priest of the Melkite Rite. He has extensive knowledge of the psalms that he shared with us. On behalf of The Women’s Fund of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, Mr. Anthony Scibelli made a kind donation in honor of Vicki Montalbano’s amazing work with the poor. Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen celebrated its 6th Anniversary on Monday, March 10 in the Parish Center. Emma de Guzman, visionary and mystic, was at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church on March 22. Everyone was invited to attend a Mass and healing service. A record 2,305 items of food and $1,400 was collected at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and donated to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. On April 27, the 25th anniversary of Divine Mercy Sunday was observed. Attendance was close to 800. Guest homilist was Father John D. Manno, pastor of St. James Church in Syracuse. Immediately following the devotions a celebration was held at the Polish Community Club with a hot buffet dinner. Father Dellos, Father LaFache, Fr. Fraats, Fr. Honold, Fr. Quinn, Fr. Lamanna and Fr. Bundz heard Confessions. Special thanks were given to the Knights of St. John and the Knights of Columbus; organist Andrew Siuta; John Sullivan, opening and closing dedication; Chaplet leader Matt Gazak; Chaplet leader and Cantor Laura Waldron; Psalmist Samuel Dickson; instrumentalists John Lara and Julie Miller; lectors Barbara Hackett and Dave Koza; Altar servers Patricia Iagnocco, Marilyn and Dave Schwalbach, Mira Barnard and Blair Kahler. Special thanks went to Bob Stronach for advertising and program production. Last but not least special thanks went to the committee: Sandi Mahar, Karen Slocum, Judy Humphrey, Cynthia Barres and Estelle Barton. A one day pilgrimage to Oswego and Syracuse was held on April 30 to visit two locations where St. Marianne lived and worked. Prior to departure, Father Richard Dellos and Father George Wurz celebrated Holy Mass. In Syracuse, the St. Marianne Cope Shrine and Museum was visited to pray to St. Marianne before her remains were returned to Hawaii. Nine children made their First Communion on May 4. They were Isabella Brown, Aiden Burke, Jayana Korzeniowski, Alexander Miller, Ashlyn Morrissey, Jacob Radus, Adrianna Ruiz, Mikaila Miller and Aiden Grimaldi-Vance. This year marks 60 years of priestly ordination for Father Richard O’Neill. A coffee hour was held on May 18 in the Parish Center to honor Father O’Neill’s 60th Jubilee. Boilermaker Bib Raffle tickets were sold to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. 100 tickets at $25 per ticket were sold and all proceeds were donated to the Westside Kitchen. Bequests were made to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen by the Brooks family in memory of Kathleen Murphy Brooks. Our grounds were improved with a very generous donation from the Robert J. Bick Estate. It allowed the parking lot to be resealed and the St. Marianne Shrine courtyard and entrance to the rectory to be made more attractive. The Nolan family made a generous bequest to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen in memory of Michael Nolan. The Kitchen also benefited from the opening of Varick Street’s Fuel. Ted Kondzielawa, Fuel owner, approached Kitchen Director Vicki Montalbano and stated how much Varick St loves our Mother Marianne Westside Kitchen and wanted to contribute to its continued success. The Grand Opening of Fuel was June 19 with a portion of the proceeds going to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen as well as leftover food. The renaming of a section of Varick St to Saint Marianne Way was commemorated on August 10 with the 2nd Annual Saint Marianne Way Street Festival to honor Utica’s Hometown Saint. Live, local entertainment was emceed by Larry Hagan and Mark DeSantis aka “Renaissance” with their 60’s & 70’s Rock & Roll tunes. Entertainment also included contemporary Christian singers Mark Anthony Bolos & Hank Toner, Miss Laurie’s School of Dance performed a Hawaiian dance, Catholic Christian folk singers Cassandra Harris-Lockwood and Paul Whitney reprised “The Schoolyard Song” to St. Marianne, and Miss Utica 2014, Tonya Kassler, made an appearance. Food was provided by Spinella’s Chicken BBQ, Mr. McGill’s, Sammy and Annie Foods, Squeezers Lemonade, Fudge by Angels, and Gloria’s Ice Cream. The Michael Nolan Memorial Golf Tournament with Fr. Dellos and Wayne Levy was held on August 30 at the Eagles Golf Course on Cosby Manor Rd. It raised $740. Catholicism: The New Evangelization hosted by Fr. Robert Barron was presented at the Parish Center on September 6, September 20, September 27 and October 4. The documentary focused on the cultural obstacles the Church faces today, such as the emergence of “the new atheism” and relativistic attitudes toward questions of faith and morality. Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen had a special guest; Little Caesar’s “Love Kitchen” that travels all across America and Canada helping feed people in need. 600+ meals were served in one hour! On September 28, The Upper Room Stage presented musicians, singers, dancers and comedian Owen Daniel Murphy. All proceeds benefitted Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. Almost $600 was raised. Aunt/Cioci Elizabeth Schug celebrated her 90th birthday and her niece, Renee Thorp-Sudol, decided to have Aunt Elizabeth’s family and friends donate to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen in honor of Aunt Elizabeth. Renee said “We hope this will become a tradition for future events within communities and all over our country assisting Soup Kitchens to help feed people who are less fortunate.” Deacon Gil Nadeau left St. Joseph St Patrick Church for a new assignment. He will be greatly missed! A volunteer dinner was held at the Roselawn on November 4. All volunteers and their spouses were invited. Sister Catherine Croghan retired from her ministry and is at the Sisters of St. Joseph Retirement Home in Latham. God bless your retirement! Bishop Cunningham was at St. Joseph St. Patrick on December 5 for a First Friday Holy Hour for Vocations. The Knights of St. John and Ladies Auxiliary held its 7th Annual Pie Drive to support Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen Thanksgiving Day outreach. All pies donated were given to the Westside Kitchen to feed guests on Thanksgiving Day. Bea Waskiewicz left after many years of service at St. Joseph St. Patrick Church.
2015 – On Sunday, January 18 the Psalms of creation as used in Jewish liturgy was presented in the Parish Center by Rabbi Cassi Kail from Temple Emanuel. The Lenten Easter Retreat, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”, was a 10 week course beginning February 16. It combined the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Saints Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. A Mass and healing service was held on March 7 with Father LaFache, Father Dellos and special guest Emma de Guzman, visionary, mystic and foundress of La Pieta International Prayer Group. SJSP served up an interactive dinner theatre murder mystery, Bingo Spells Murder, on April 18. $4,334 was raised for our building repair fund. Congratulations were given to the following students who made their first Sacrament of Reconciliation on March 15: Jordan Appel, Jocelyn Barnard, Ryan Burt, Jaydon Butler, John Butler, Jamie Garrett, Olivia Pianka, Gianna Schmidt and Mackenzie Zammiello. The 26th anniversary of Divine Mercy was celebrated on April 12. Confessions were heard, the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed and Mass was celebrated. Following Mass, there was veneration of the Divine Mercy Image and a blessing with a relic of St. Faustina Kowalska. The homilist was Rev. Mark Kaminski, pastor of St. Anthony St. Agnes parish in East Utica and the new Episcopal vicar for the Eastern Region of the Syracuse Diocese. The Sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated at the Easter Vigil Mass for Chelsea Scaramuzzino and Savannah Leo. On May 17, Mrs. Anwei Skinsnes Law, award-winning author and expert on Mother Marianne Cope, Molokai and Hansen’s Disease (leprosy), shared her 47 years of fascinating research into this history of Hawaii. The following students made their First Communion on May 3: Jordan Appel, Jocelyn Barnard, Ryan Burt, Jamie Garrett, Olivia Pianka, Gianna Schmidt and Mackenzie Zammiello. The Padre Pio Prayer Group hosted a “Desserts for Dads” Bake Sale on Father’s Day weekend, June 21, at all Masses and raised $370 for SJSP Church. The Michael Nolan Memorial Golf Tournament with Father Dellos and Wayne Levy was held on July 26 at Stonebridge Golf Course. Mass, anointing of the sick with prayers for healing was held on August 8 with Rev. Anthony LaFache and Emma de Guzman, visionary, mystic and foundress of La Pieta International Prayer Group. Pilgrim statue of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima from the World Apostolate of Fatima was at St. Joseph St. Patrick Church on August 19. A basket raffle was held on September 20 in the Parish Center to raise funds for church repair and improvements. On October 19 – 21, a parish mission was held honoring St. Marianne. Sister Patricia Larkin, OSF, a member of St. Marianne’s community, spoke on the consecrated life, as the universal church observed the Year of the Consecrated Life. Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, a live theatrical drama, was presented on October 9 at SJSP Church. 33 Days to Morning Glory, a 33 day journey to Marian consecration, started November 2 and ran for 6 weeks. The Maennerchor Christmas Concert on December 11 was to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen.
2016 – Our parish anniversary on January 26 marked the 108th anniversary of our Church consecration. Consecration candles mounted around the Church were lit to honor the solemn occasion. The Church was consecrated by the Right Reverend Patrick A. Ludden, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese. Soon after, the present marble altar railing, donated by the Altar Society, was added. Then, the marble and onyx pulpit and new organ were installed. The first movie night featuring “The Everyday: Benedictine Life at Mount Savior Monastery” was held on February 1 as a final tribute to the Year of Consecrated Life. The second movie night was held on February 16 and featured “The War Room”. St. Joseph St. Patrick Church was chosen along with 6 other parishes in the diocese to have their doors open for 24 hours with the Blessed Sacrament exposed so people can come simply “to be still with the Lord”. Adoration took place on March 4th and 5th. On March 18 after St. Joseph’s feast vigil Mass, there was a procession to the Parish Center where the feast continued with prayer, song, and St. Joseph’s Table all in honor of St. Joseph. A non-perishable food item was requested to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. The Westside Kitchen celebrated its 8th Anniversary on March 10. Movie night on March 16 featured the series “The Bible”. The 27th Divine Mercy Sunday was observed on April 3 with Chorbishop John D. Faris, pastor of St. Louis Gonzaga Church and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., as homilist. Following Mass there was veneration of the Divine Mercy image. 3009 non-perishable food products and $1,800 worth of donations were collected at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade held on March 12 to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. Catechism classes led by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Aiello began on April 13 through May 18. The April movie night was on the 12th and featured St. Therese of Lisieux.
More soon...
2014 – On January 23, the second feast day of “our” Saint Marianne Cope was celebrated with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass followed by veneration of first class relics of Saint Marianne. An estimated 275 people celebrated the feast day. Marilyn Schwalbach, Helen Nolan and Eric Burt gave testimony to answered prayers to Saint Marianne Cope. Psalms Bible Study led by Father Saba Shofany, pastor of St. Basil’s Catholic Church, began on January 26. Father was born in Israel and is a priest of the Melkite Rite. He has extensive knowledge of the psalms that he shared with us. On behalf of The Women’s Fund of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, Mr. Anthony Scibelli made a kind donation in honor of Vicki Montalbano’s amazing work with the poor. Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen celebrated its 6th Anniversary on Monday, March 10 in the Parish Center. Emma de Guzman, visionary and mystic, was at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church on March 22. Everyone was invited to attend a Mass and healing service. A record 2,305 items of food and $1,400 was collected at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and donated to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. On April 27, the 25th anniversary of Divine Mercy Sunday was observed. Attendance was close to 800. Guest homilist was Father John D. Manno, pastor of St. James Church in Syracuse. Immediately following the devotions a celebration was held at the Polish Community Club with a hot buffet dinner. Father Dellos, Father LaFache, Fr. Fraats, Fr. Honold, Fr. Quinn, Fr. Lamanna and Fr. Bundz heard Confessions. Special thanks were given to the Knights of St. John and the Knights of Columbus; organist Andrew Siuta; John Sullivan, opening and closing dedication; Chaplet leader Matt Gazak; Chaplet leader and Cantor Laura Waldron; Psalmist Samuel Dickson; instrumentalists John Lara and Julie Miller; lectors Barbara Hackett and Dave Koza; Altar servers Patricia Iagnocco, Marilyn and Dave Schwalbach, Mira Barnard and Blair Kahler. Special thanks went to Bob Stronach for advertising and program production. Last but not least special thanks went to the committee: Sandi Mahar, Karen Slocum, Judy Humphrey, Cynthia Barres and Estelle Barton. A one day pilgrimage to Oswego and Syracuse was held on April 30 to visit two locations where St. Marianne lived and worked. Prior to departure, Father Richard Dellos and Father George Wurz celebrated Holy Mass. In Syracuse, the St. Marianne Cope Shrine and Museum was visited to pray to St. Marianne before her remains were returned to Hawaii. Nine children made their First Communion on May 4. They were Isabella Brown, Aiden Burke, Jayana Korzeniowski, Alexander Miller, Ashlyn Morrissey, Jacob Radus, Adrianna Ruiz, Mikaila Miller and Aiden Grimaldi-Vance. This year marks 60 years of priestly ordination for Father Richard O’Neill. A coffee hour was held on May 18 in the Parish Center to honor Father O’Neill’s 60th Jubilee. Boilermaker Bib Raffle tickets were sold to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. 100 tickets at $25 per ticket were sold and all proceeds were donated to the Westside Kitchen. Bequests were made to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen by the Brooks family in memory of Kathleen Murphy Brooks. Our grounds were improved with a very generous donation from the Robert J. Bick Estate. It allowed the parking lot to be resealed and the St. Marianne Shrine courtyard and entrance to the rectory to be made more attractive. The Nolan family made a generous bequest to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen in memory of Michael Nolan. The Kitchen also benefited from the opening of Varick Street’s Fuel. Ted Kondzielawa, Fuel owner, approached Kitchen Director Vicki Montalbano and stated how much Varick St loves our Mother Marianne Westside Kitchen and wanted to contribute to its continued success. The Grand Opening of Fuel was June 19 with a portion of the proceeds going to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen as well as leftover food. The renaming of a section of Varick St to Saint Marianne Way was commemorated on August 10 with the 2nd Annual Saint Marianne Way Street Festival to honor Utica’s Hometown Saint. Live, local entertainment was emceed by Larry Hagan and Mark DeSantis aka “Renaissance” with their 60’s & 70’s Rock & Roll tunes. Entertainment also included contemporary Christian singers Mark Anthony Bolos & Hank Toner, Miss Laurie’s School of Dance performed a Hawaiian dance, Catholic Christian folk singers Cassandra Harris-Lockwood and Paul Whitney reprised “The Schoolyard Song” to St. Marianne, and Miss Utica 2014, Tonya Kassler, made an appearance. Food was provided by Spinella’s Chicken BBQ, Mr. McGill’s, Sammy and Annie Foods, Squeezers Lemonade, Fudge by Angels, and Gloria’s Ice Cream. The Michael Nolan Memorial Golf Tournament with Fr. Dellos and Wayne Levy was held on August 30 at the Eagles Golf Course on Cosby Manor Rd. It raised $740. Catholicism: The New Evangelization hosted by Fr. Robert Barron was presented at the Parish Center on September 6, September 20, September 27 and October 4. The documentary focused on the cultural obstacles the Church faces today, such as the emergence of “the new atheism” and relativistic attitudes toward questions of faith and morality. Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen had a special guest; Little Caesar’s “Love Kitchen” that travels all across America and Canada helping feed people in need. 600+ meals were served in one hour! On September 28, The Upper Room Stage presented musicians, singers, dancers and comedian Owen Daniel Murphy. All proceeds benefitted Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. Almost $600 was raised. Aunt/Cioci Elizabeth Schug celebrated her 90th birthday and her niece, Renee Thorp-Sudol, decided to have Aunt Elizabeth’s family and friends donate to Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen in honor of Aunt Elizabeth. Renee said “We hope this will become a tradition for future events within communities and all over our country assisting Soup Kitchens to help feed people who are less fortunate.” Deacon Gil Nadeau left St. Joseph St Patrick Church for a new assignment. He will be greatly missed! A volunteer dinner was held at the Roselawn on November 4. All volunteers and their spouses were invited. Sister Catherine Croghan retired from her ministry and is at the Sisters of St. Joseph Retirement Home in Latham. God bless your retirement! Bishop Cunningham was at St. Joseph St. Patrick on December 5 for a First Friday Holy Hour for Vocations. The Knights of St. John and Ladies Auxiliary held its 7th Annual Pie Drive to support Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen Thanksgiving Day outreach. All pies donated were given to the Westside Kitchen to feed guests on Thanksgiving Day. Bea Waskiewicz left after many years of service at St. Joseph St. Patrick Church.
2015 – On Sunday, January 18 the Psalms of creation as used in Jewish liturgy was presented in the Parish Center by Rabbi Cassi Kail from Temple Emanuel. The Lenten Easter Retreat, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”, was a 10 week course beginning February 16. It combined the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Saints Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. A Mass and healing service was held on March 7 with Father LaFache, Father Dellos and special guest Emma de Guzman, visionary, mystic and foundress of La Pieta International Prayer Group. SJSP served up an interactive dinner theatre murder mystery, Bingo Spells Murder, on April 18. $4,334 was raised for our building repair fund. Congratulations were given to the following students who made their first Sacrament of Reconciliation on March 15: Jordan Appel, Jocelyn Barnard, Ryan Burt, Jaydon Butler, John Butler, Jamie Garrett, Olivia Pianka, Gianna Schmidt and Mackenzie Zammiello. The 26th anniversary of Divine Mercy was celebrated on April 12. Confessions were heard, the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed and Mass was celebrated. Following Mass, there was veneration of the Divine Mercy Image and a blessing with a relic of St. Faustina Kowalska. The homilist was Rev. Mark Kaminski, pastor of St. Anthony St. Agnes parish in East Utica and the new Episcopal vicar for the Eastern Region of the Syracuse Diocese. The Sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated at the Easter Vigil Mass for Chelsea Scaramuzzino and Savannah Leo. On May 17, Mrs. Anwei Skinsnes Law, award-winning author and expert on Mother Marianne Cope, Molokai and Hansen’s Disease (leprosy), shared her 47 years of fascinating research into this history of Hawaii. The following students made their First Communion on May 3: Jordan Appel, Jocelyn Barnard, Ryan Burt, Jamie Garrett, Olivia Pianka, Gianna Schmidt and Mackenzie Zammiello. The Padre Pio Prayer Group hosted a “Desserts for Dads” Bake Sale on Father’s Day weekend, June 21, at all Masses and raised $370 for SJSP Church. The Michael Nolan Memorial Golf Tournament with Father Dellos and Wayne Levy was held on July 26 at Stonebridge Golf Course. Mass, anointing of the sick with prayers for healing was held on August 8 with Rev. Anthony LaFache and Emma de Guzman, visionary, mystic and foundress of La Pieta International Prayer Group. Pilgrim statue of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima from the World Apostolate of Fatima was at St. Joseph St. Patrick Church on August 19. A basket raffle was held on September 20 in the Parish Center to raise funds for church repair and improvements. On October 19 – 21, a parish mission was held honoring St. Marianne. Sister Patricia Larkin, OSF, a member of St. Marianne’s community, spoke on the consecrated life, as the universal church observed the Year of the Consecrated Life. Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, a live theatrical drama, was presented on October 9 at SJSP Church. 33 Days to Morning Glory, a 33 day journey to Marian consecration, started November 2 and ran for 6 weeks. The Maennerchor Christmas Concert on December 11 was to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen.
2016 – Our parish anniversary on January 26 marked the 108th anniversary of our Church consecration. Consecration candles mounted around the Church were lit to honor the solemn occasion. The Church was consecrated by the Right Reverend Patrick A. Ludden, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese. Soon after, the present marble altar railing, donated by the Altar Society, was added. Then, the marble and onyx pulpit and new organ were installed. The first movie night featuring “The Everyday: Benedictine Life at Mount Savior Monastery” was held on February 1 as a final tribute to the Year of Consecrated Life. The second movie night was held on February 16 and featured “The War Room”. St. Joseph St. Patrick Church was chosen along with 6 other parishes in the diocese to have their doors open for 24 hours with the Blessed Sacrament exposed so people can come simply “to be still with the Lord”. Adoration took place on March 4th and 5th. On March 18 after St. Joseph’s feast vigil Mass, there was a procession to the Parish Center where the feast continued with prayer, song, and St. Joseph’s Table all in honor of St. Joseph. A non-perishable food item was requested to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. The Westside Kitchen celebrated its 8th Anniversary on March 10. Movie night on March 16 featured the series “The Bible”. The 27th Divine Mercy Sunday was observed on April 3 with Chorbishop John D. Faris, pastor of St. Louis Gonzaga Church and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., as homilist. Following Mass there was veneration of the Divine Mercy image. 3009 non-perishable food products and $1,800 worth of donations were collected at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade held on March 12 to benefit Mother Marianne’s Westside Kitchen. Catechism classes led by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Aiello began on April 13 through May 18. The April movie night was on the 12th and featured St. Therese of Lisieux.
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