Open 24/7 for 26 years...Utica's Best Kept Secret!
He is waiting for you to rest in Him...
The Door is Always Open
The Best Time You Will Spend On Earth...
Eucharistic Adoration provides an opportunity to get to know God
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to build a relationship person to person. Remember, the Eucharist is not a piece of a body, not a thing, its a person ~ it is our Lord, who loves us more then we can imagine. Wouldn't you like the opportunity to grow closer to your creator? Come spend an hour with the Lord.
Need some relaxation? Adorers needed!
For Peace, Comfort & One on One Time with Him...
Call Adoration Director:
Rose Marie Roberts (315) 507-1305
He is waiting for you to rest in Him...
The Door is Always Open
The Best Time You Will Spend On Earth...
Eucharistic Adoration provides an opportunity to get to know God
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to build a relationship person to person. Remember, the Eucharist is not a piece of a body, not a thing, its a person ~ it is our Lord, who loves us more then we can imagine. Wouldn't you like the opportunity to grow closer to your creator? Come spend an hour with the Lord.
Need some relaxation? Adorers needed!
For Peace, Comfort & One on One Time with Him...
Call Adoration Director:
Rose Marie Roberts (315) 507-1305
26th Anniversary of the Eastern Region Perpetual Eucharist
Adoration Chapel at SJSP Church
Are you being called to take an hour?
Adoration Chapel at SJSP Church
Are you being called to take an hour?